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In The Magazine

magazine stories

CABINET: Museveni’s small fish

  COVER STORY Museveni’s small fish Thirty years in power and President Museveni shows no signs of slowing down when it comes to tightening his grip on power. In the new cabinet, Museveni has appointed a number of not so influential players from the Opposition, but who are strong enough …

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Eco-art novelty

Turning landscapes into canvas Bruno Ruganzu started out as a struggling artist about 10 years ago. His goal was to etch a mark on the patronage in order to survive. Starting out by painting on canvas, he made art that had marks of his ambition. But his turning point came …

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HIV: Children to get sweet ARVs

New trial in pediatric HIV treatment gives hope for better results Whenever his mother holds a spoon, little Imran becomes suspicious. He asks his mother whether it’s time for ‘panadol’ yet again. He contracted HIV at birth and has to take Lopinavir and Lamivudine – two antiretroviral (ARV) drugs- twice …

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In The Independent: Revolt in FDC

COVER STORY: Revolt in FDC An in-depth analysis of why the appointment of a Shadow Cabinet by FDC President Mugisha Muntu seems to have put him at odds with some party figures who remain loyal to party strongman Dr. Kizza Besigye. LAST WORD: The tale of roundabouts Andrew Mwenda wonders …

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Ubuntu portraiture

Could this artist bring his `hardcore of art’ to an exhibition soon? Henk Jonker, a Dutch artist, musician, and poet who lives in Kampala, believes there has been a major shift in the way people perceive each other all over the world, writes Dominic Muwanguzi. “It is no longer important …

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