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In The Magazine

magazine stories

TMEA launches second phase

Regional trade facilitation organisation to pump between Shs 2.66 – Shs 2.83 trillion in region On May 31, executives at Trademark East Africa, a not-for- profit organization that supports the East African Community integration process in trade policy reforms and trade-related infrastructure, gathered in Kampala. The meeting was intended to …

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Higher education financing

COMMENT: Michael O. Wanyama The Government of Uganda introduced the student loan scheme in 2014 primarily to increase access to higher education and support students who may not afford higher education. To achieve its objective, the Higher Education Students Financing Board was established by an Act of Parliament No. 2 …

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Dr. Aceng’s challenge

New Minister of Health is a thoroughbred technocrat. Will that help her fix a sector that politicians almost killed? Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, the new minister of Health, is very authoritative – in a soft spoken way. So it is easy to guess that she will want to fix a …

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Entebbe Road madness

One of the temporary inconveniences that are making branding Uganda more complicated Amos Wekesa, arguably the face of Uganda’s tourism industry and self-confessed ‘brand ambassador’ for the country, rarely, if ever, makes negative comments about his country in public. He travels around the world marketing the country in his ‘I’m …

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Total’s GAPCO acquisition

Final touches are being made on a deal in which Total will take over all GAPCO operations in the region. The development follows months of intense negotiations between the two for Total Outre Mer SA, the retailing arm of Total, to acquire all the Gulf Africa PetroleumCorporation (Gapco) assets in …

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Primary education to the test

Will institutionalising nursery school education overturn the appalling learning deficit? It’s about 6:30 pm. Most workers are heading home after a long day; not yet for the three men working at this construction site at Lusanja inWakiso District.As they carry bricks and piles of concrete with an obvious gait in …

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Art of Propaganda

By Nathan Kiwere Following the social and political mayhem that was engendered by the botched 2007 general elections in neighbouring Kenya, politicians and the public went into an unprecedented frenzy, outshouting each other to prove culpability in what turned out to be a national festival of hooliganism. As they say, …

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