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In The Magazine

magazine stories

Museveni’s anti-war sentiments

By Morris DC Komakech Militarise agriculture, education, rural economies, and breaking the spirit of the country The Pope has decried the rampant conflicts in and around the world, calling it “piecemeal World war III”. War is not a game; it destroys lives and livelihoods, ravages homes, and stalls the very …

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Africa’s immunity controversy

By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu Systems must be put in place to ensure political accountability and minimize double standards The decision by the African Union (AU), after more than five years of preparation, to confer jurisdiction over international crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, on the African …

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A meeting of minds on HIV/AIDS

By Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Margie McGlynn Researchers are learning a great deal from the responses of three groups of patients An ounce of prevention, Benjamin Franklin famously said, is worth a pound of cure. But that is not always true when it comes to research into infectious diseases. Though scientists …

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