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In The Magazine

magazine stories

From poverty to servitude abroad

By Morris Komakech Curbing human trafficking requires collective societal effort by State and non-state actors Iappreciated reading Daily Monitor’s editorial of July 15, 2014 on this subject and the clarification made by Jacob Siminyu from the Directorate of Citizenship and immigration Control about concrete actions being taken to curb human trafficking …

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The framing of MH-17

By William Burke-White Calling the attack a likely war crime may help to reconcile the conflicting narratives that are emerging US President Barack Obama called the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 an “outrage of unspeakable proportions,” whereas Russian President Vladimir Putin termed it an “accident” and a “terrible tragedy.” …

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Influence of the global gay lobby

By Kintu Nyago Western governments oblivious to the fact that  it’s not only gays who have human rights to protect The pressure exerted on Uganda, by the US and some European countries, after President Yoweri Museveni signed into law the now defunct Anti-Homosexual  Bill into law,  was not premised, genuinely …

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