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In The Magazine

magazine stories

Denying health care basics to Uganda’s expectant mothers is an abuse of their human rights

By Ronald Musoke Two years ago the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) filed a petition in the Constitutional Court seeking to secure a declaration that non-provision of essential maternal health commodities in government health facilities leading to the deaths of thousands of  expectant mothers is an infringement …

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Changing Uganda’s development debate

By Hashim Wasswa Mulangwa Our leaders spend more time talking about why Africa has not developed than on creating capacity A few weeks ago the Central bank held its 21st annual Joseph Mubiru memorial lecture, under the title “Unlocking Africa’s growth potential- aligning decision making to implementation and delivery”. One …

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The IMF’s next test

By Gita Gopinath Is it prepared to provide “forward guidance” on how it will tackle potential disruptions in financial markets? This October, central bankers, policymakers, private-sector executives, academics, and representatives of civil-society organisations will convene in Washington, DC, for the annual joint meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the …

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