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In The Magazine

magazine stories

More public debate needed on GMOs

By Ellady Muyambi Those who enjoy local chicken and other traditional African dishes should be saying bye-bye to them The government passed the National biotechnology and Biosafety Policy in 2008 and is now in advanced stages of passing the Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill, 2012 commonly known as the GMO law …

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The dirt on plastic waste

By Marino Xanthos Current usage patterns of so-called `petroleum-based commodity thermoplastics’ are not sustainable Plastics are everywhere. Whether used to store leftovers, keep hospital equipment sterile, or insulate a home, plastics are unmatched for their adaptability, durability, and low cost. Given their seemingly boundless benefits, it is unsurprising that plastics …

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Besieged banker

By Joan Akello UDBL’s Sejjaaka under siege as Kampala’s lone development bank faces financial squeeze The Uganda Development Bank Ltd has been ailing for decades. But even by its own poor record, something that happened after 2009 marked a new low. The bank’s profit for the year dropped from Shs11 …

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Same gender, different gains

By Feliciah Kanyesigye New report assesses impact of affirmative action for women Daphine , a fifth year medical student at Gulu University cannot stop praising `affirmative action’ which is code for the extra 1.5 points that girls seeking public university admission get. Daphine  scored 21 points in the pre-university entry …

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