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insight stories

Education system, limited digital tools slow down persons with visual impairment

In the second part of this two-part series of Unfair Education and Limited Digital Skills Opportunities to Children with Visual Impairment in Uganda, Caroline Ayugi highlights the dilemma of learners with visual impairment in choosing a career. Gulu, Uganda | SPECIAL FEATURE |  The unfair education and limited digital skills opportunities to …

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JAMES ODONGO: Founder and headmaster of ‘The School of Hard Knocks’

 The life of Bishop James Odongo ✳ March 27, 1931 – BORN in Molo, Bukedi district ✳ May 8, 1931 – Baptized by Fr Willemen of Nagongera ✳ 1944 – Joined Nyenga Seminary ✳ 1956 – Ordained priest in Rome ✳ 1965 – Consecrated Bishop ✳ 1965 – Attends Second Vatican Council ✳ 1968 – Appointed Bishop …

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Rukikaire’s view of history

Former cabinet minister and NRA ideologue Rukikaire on politics and leadership BOOK REVIEW | Ian Katusiime | Mathew Rukikaire has seen it all. Born into an aristocratic family and educated in the best institutions that the colonial era could offer locally and abroad, Rukikaire has either made or participated in …

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Did you know? Just how clever crows really are

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Crows have proved they are anything but bird-brained on dozens of occasions, but some incredible new research shows that the dark masters of the avian world are perhaps even smarter than we ever realized. A new study has found that New Caledonian crows (Corvus moneduloides) …

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`Dr. Bbosa’ Sam Bagenda

30 years of fun, greed, and lechery on stage Kampala, Uganda | AGNES NANTABA | `Dr Bbosa’ is a very familiar name among fans of local drama series in Uganda. He was a character played by Sam Bagenda in the then popular long-running local drama series `That’s Life Mwattu’ that started …

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