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Home / SPORTS / Isco leads Real to Malaga win as Zidane rests Ronaldo and Bale

Isco leads Real to Malaga win as Zidane rests Ronaldo and Bale

Six days after confirming he will be leaving his boyhood club at the end of the season, Torres rolled back the years with a volleyed finish, reminiscent of the 34-year-old in his prime.

“Fernando is an icon here,” Atletico coach Diego Simeone said.

“Whether he is scoring goals or not, winning titles or not, he has a place in the club that has been earned by respect, hard work and having an identity with the club. That will not change because of one more goal.”

Torres’ grievance this term has been a lack of playing time and he was a substitute again, replacing Antoine Griezmann, who was also on target. Angel Correa opened the scoring in the first half.

A comfortable victory cuts the gap behind leaders Barcelona back to 11 points and restores some momentum for Atletico, with their Europa League semi-final against Arsenal less than a fortnight away.

The result also guarantees Simeone’s side a place in the Champions League for a sixth consecutive season.

“Barcelona’s season is tremendous,” Simeone said. “We will try to get closer to them and if we can’t get closer, we will congratulate them.”

Atletico now face Real Sociedad on Thursday and Real Betis on Sunday before the Europa League leg at Emirates Stadium but they arrived here with only two wins from their last five matches.

Torres enjoyed the biggest cheer of the afternoon and followed his brilliant finish by blowing the crowd a kiss and waving both hands. It promises to be a long farewell.

The Spaniard is unlikely to face Arsenal but Griezmann almost certainly will and his goal was his 19th in La Liga this season.

It came without his partner Diego Costa, who was still nursing a thigh strain.

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