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Home / NEWS / James Kamwesiga, educationist and church laity leader, has died

James Kamwesiga, educationist and church laity leader, has died

Widow Alvera bids farewell to her husband at mass today at St Angela, Bugema

TODAY – Tuesday, November 28
➡12.00 – Mass St Angela Bugema

WEDNESDAY November 29
➡ 6.00pm –Mass at Home. Official vigil.

THURSDAY November 30
➡9.00am – Requiem Mass at Christ the King

FRIDAY December 1
➡10.00am – Official burial at home Nyamiyaga 01, Nyarurambi Parish, Nyamirama Sub County West Kinkizi West County Kanungu district.

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Leading educationist and Catholic Church laity leader James Vincent Kamwesiga is dead. He passed on Saturday, a few days after collapsing at his home in Kampala.

The programme leading to his burial, that started with Mass at Lweza Parish Church yesterday, continued today at the new St Angela Bugema sub-parish Church, Katale Bugema in Bunamwaya that he helped build.

He has been laity leader (Ssabakristu emeritus) of Lweza Parish in Kampala Archdiocese, and proprietor and director of Mantopal schools, that comprise nursery and primary schools.

Kamwesiga was a leading Kinkizi West politician, was once a Personal Assistant to Former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and also patron of Kinkiizi Makerere University Students Association (KIMUSA).

At the time of his death, he was pursuing further studies at Ndejje University, where he was a BSWASA student.

James Kamwesiga

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