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Judge steps down from hearing Minister Muhwezi eviction land case

Jim Muhwezi

Kampala, Uganda | GODFREY SSALI | The High Court Deputy Registrar in charge of the Execution Division, Deo Nzeyimana has declined to hear the application filed by Information Minister Maj.Gen.Jim Muhwezi, seeking to block his eviction from land at Kyamula -Salaama in Makindye division, citing Conflict of Interest.

Nzeyimana told the parties in this case that he was stepping down from the case because he is well known to a one William Hitmana, who is said to have sold the disputed piece of land to Jim Muhwezi.

With the consent of Lawyers representing the parties, Registrar Nzeyiman has now allocated the case file to Justice Paul Gadenya Wolimbwa for hearing of the said matter on May 16, 2018.

The Registrar also ordered that the status quo should be maintained on the said land until Court directs otherwise.

Yesterday Muhwezi filed the application in Court seeking for orders that his eviction from the disputed land be stayed until the High Court -Land division disposes off the main suit in which he claims ownership of the Land.

Muhwezi filed his application through his lawyer Ahmed Mukasa Kalule against a one James Mubiru who also claims ownership of the suit land having inherited it from his late father George Ssekajjugo.

While Muhwezi claims to have purchased the same land from William Hitmana in 1995, and that he has been enjoying quiet possession of it for the last 23 years, until sometime last week when Court bailiffs tried to evict him.

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