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KADAGA: Absenteeism by ministers slowing down government

FILE PHOTO: A parliament session.

Speaker “Reports” Ministers to President over perennial absenteeism

Kampala, Uganda| PWATCH UG| The Speaker of Par­lia­ment, Re­becca Kadaga has out­lined the peren­nial ab­sence of cab­i­net min­is­ters among is­sues that greatly af­fected busi­ness dur­ing the first ses­sion of the 10th Par­lia­ment.

In her com­mu­ni­ca­tion to the House on June 6, 2017, Kadaga noted with con­cern the con­tin­ued ab­sence of min­is­ters dur­ing ple­nary sit­tings, which has ham­pered par­lia­men­tary busi­ness.

Kadaga noted that some busi­ness in the House has failed to be han­dled due to fail­ure by line min­is­ters to show up, a point that drew ap­plause from leg­is­la­tors.

“We do ap­pre­ci­ate that min­is­ters have nu­mer­ous re­spon­si­bil­i­ties but their re­spon­si­bil­ity to par­cel out the work in their re­spec­tive min­istries are pri­or­i­tized with a view of en­sur­ing that at least one min­is­ter is avail­able from each min­istry to carry out par­lia­men­tary work,” Kadaga told the House.

On sev­eral oc­ca­sions, min­is­ters have come un­der fire over their ab­sence when MPs raise per­ti­nent sec­tor is­sues. The Gov­ern­ment Chief whip, Ruth Nankabirwa has on sev­eral oc­ca­sions been crit­i­cised by leg­is­la­tors for re­spond­ing on be­half of the min­is­ters.

Kadaga said it is not right that Nankabirwa is crit­i­cized for the min­is­ters’ short­com­ings, call­ing for the Ex­ec­u­tive to han­dle this mat­ter.



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