Friday , March 14 2025

Katuntu Committee recommends refund of sh6bn ‘Presidential Handshake’

Katuntu Committee gives recommendations

Katuntu said that since COSASE was not a prosecuting or investigating agency, it did not recommend that the implicated officers step aside but that the Inspectorate of Government could recommend that in order to investigate the persons without any interference.

He said that although presidents the world over give out donations, a policy was needed to regulate the practice since, currently, some cases do not deserve to be rewarded.

Katuntu also ruled out MPs proposals to attach property belonging to the 42 officials arguing that that could only happen after a court process.

•        All officers who flouted the law should be held accountable and in this vein, the IGG should institute investigations with a view to establish the culpability and possible offences;
•        The Executive should come up with a Bill within 90 days to regulate and streamline the presidential donations budget;
•        The supplementary request of UShs 6 billion currently before Parliament should be rejected because the virement created a liability infringing section 22 of the PFMA;
•        Parliament should revisst section 8 of the Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act, 2013 with a view to amending it and provide for technical people to be signatories to PSAs;
•        All recoverable cost incurred by oil companies should be submitted to Parliament quarterly;
•        The Attorney General should take immediate steps and measures to recover the costs amounting to US$ 4.0 million awarded by the International Arbitration Tribunal and report to Parliament within 90 days;
•        URA should take immediate steps and measures to recover costs awarded by the Tax Appeals Tribunal and High Court in 2010 and the High Court Civil Appeal in 2011;
•        The Auditor General should carry out a special audit into deductions of withholding tax on fees paid to the external lawyers – Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP by URA and report to Parliament within 90 days.


UGANDA: COSASE Report on the UShs 6b Investigations by The Independent Magazine on Scribd




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