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KENYATTA: No power-sharing deal with the opposition

Kenyatta (right) delivers a car promise to young Igembe South MP John Paul Mwirigi at State Lodge, Sagana. PHOTO PSCU

Sagana, Kenya  | PSCU | President Uhuru Kenyatta has said the repeat Kenya elections will be held on schedule and those attempting to delay the poll should know that they are putting the country at risk.

The President said the fresh presidential election, being held on the directions of the Supreme Court, will allow Kenyans to express their sovereign will again through casting their votes as stipulated by the constitution.

He said those attempting to sabotage the process were keen to win power through the backdoor and their efforts would be thwarted by the Jubilee Party, as well as all Kenyans of goodwill who believe in the rule of law.

“It is the will of the people that shall prevail. That is our declaration from Sagana,” said Museveni when he addressed more than 5,000 leaders from 10 counties who gathered on Friday at the presidential retreat of Sagana, on the foot of Mount Kenya to plan for his re-election.

Kenyatta said the silent majority supports Jubilee and no one should mistake their silence for weakness.

“We are the majority, but do not mistake the silence of the majority for weakness. The independent body (IEBC) should deliver an election. We will accept the verdict of the people,” said Kenyatta.

The Jubilee Party won a significant majority in elections of Aug 8. The party controls both houses of parliament, and has a bigger share of governors, Women Representatives and Members of County Assemblies (MCAs).

Kenyatta said the sole aim of opposition candidate Raila Odinga, who has been giving conditions to the IEBC, is scuttling the election so that he can demand a power-sharing government where he hopes to be accommodated.

“I told you two-and-a-half years ago that they want to deny Kenyans the right to exercise their will because they want a coalition government,” said Kenyatta.

He said the opposition candidate should stop dreaming of the creation of a coalition government and instead embark on seeking support from voters if he wants to lead the country.

Kenyatta said it is clear to that he won the August 8 election, but his victory was stolen from him following the decision of Supreme Court judges.

“We looked for votes and we won, but the victory was stolen from us. This time we will win with more votes,” said the President.

He called on the opposition to respect the independence of the IEBC so that it can prepare for the repeat polls.

He said the Jubilee Party has no intention of interfering with the independence of the IEBC, and only wants elections held within the stipulated time so that Kenyans can exercise their will.

“We do not want to interfere. We want no favors. All we want is the vote of Kenyans to decide their leader within the set time,” said the President.

Kenyatta urged the leaders to preach peace and to remain confident that the sovereign will of Kenyans will prevail.

He said Kenyans want to move on and do not want to continue living under perpetual campaigns as the opposition candidate wants.

The leaders were drawn from the counties of Nyeri, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Nakuru, Nyandarua, Laikipia, Meru, Murang’a, Embu and Tharaka Nithi.

Discussions at the gathering focused on strategies to intensify campaigns for the President’s re-election.

One comment

  1. if kenyatta want to go he should not follow museveni words.

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