Bukedea, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Bukedea police are holding one of their own for releasing a defilement suspect. The suspect is Serwano Munghairwa, the Officer in Charge of Kidongole police post.
He was picked up after civil society organizations in the district landed on an agreement in which he authorized parents of a defilement victim to accept compensation of Shillings 500,000 from Ramazathan Odeke, who defiled their 15-year-old daughter so as to close the case.
Santos Okeseny, the chairperson of Civil Society Organizations in Bukedea district says that 34-year-old man Odeke was arrested mid this month for defiling the teenager. He however says that the OC called her parents on April 15, 2021, and suggested that they resolve the matter with the defiler.
They agreed on the compensation of Shillings 500,000 that was paid on April 17, 2021, and paved the way for the release of the suspect. “When we learnt of this, as CSOs, we took action and caused the arrest of the O/C station to help us trace for the defiler since both the defiler and parents of the girl are on the run,” said Osekeny.
He says they have focused on Kidongole where they registered over 970 defilement cases during the lockdown.
Edika Akangkwasha, the Bukedea District Police Commander has confirmed Serwano’s arrest, saying investigations into the matter are ongoing.