Friday , March 14 2025

What Killed Gen. Aronda Nyakairima?

Summary of postmortem findings for the late Gen Aronda Nyakairima carried out at the city mortuary-Mulago on September 16, 2015.
“The External findings:

Noted red eyes. This was due to reduced blood back into the heart.


The heart was enlarged with presence of bleeding within the muscle of the left ventricle (one of the heart chambers) involving the whole thickness of the muscle.

There were many old small areas damaged heart muscle (scars) due to interruption of blood supply to the heart.

The heart also had an abnormal fat layer surrounding the heart blood vessels.
Some blood vessels had also been affected by the excessive fat.

Lungs: The lungs were markedly enlarged with small minute of areas bleeding on the outer surfaces.


They showed excessive accumulation of fluid and blood on cut surfaces. The two finding were due to failure of blood flow from the lungs into the heart.”

The examination was conducted by:

1. Dr Moses Byaruhanga, forensic pathologist, Head Police Health Service.
2. Dr Sam Kalungi, Consultant Pathologist Ministry of Health
3. Dr Robert Lukande, Pathologist Makerere College of Health Sciences
4. Lt Col Dr Victorua Nekesa, Pathologist State House
5. Andrew Mubiru, Senior government Toxicologist S

In attendance were:

1. Brig Dr Ambrose Musinguzi, deputy chief Medical Services UPDF.
2. Col Dr Steven Kusasira, Director Medical Services
3. Henry Ngabirano, family member
4. Mark Paul Odong Senior police detective.

Gen Aronda died last weekend aboard a Fly Emirates plane enroute to Dubai from South Korea.

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