Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | After another dramatic morning in which today’s parliament session was briefly suspended over claims soldiers were camped at the Catholic and Anglican prayer places, MPs started contributing to the debate on the Constitution Amendment Bill (No2) of 2017.
When the plenary resumed after Speaker Rebecca Kadaga promised an investigation, MPs took to the microphone to give their reactions. “All of you will speak; we shall stay here the whole night,” promised Kadaga.
Hon.Reagan Okumu: My people have said that we either go federal or we secede from this country. You have sat on us for a long time. We have the human ability to govern ourselves. The destiny of this country will be decided by the people of Uganda. #AgeLimitBill #PlenaryUg
— Parliament of Uganda (@Parliament_UG) December 19, 2017
@HEBobiwine Uganda is at a crossroads; we have opportunity to break/make the country; 1966 crisis led country to long period of turmoil; we have a chance to solve problems of our grandfathers and save our children #AgeLimitBill #AgeLimitDebate @ubctvuganda @Jadwong @observerug
— Parliament of Uganda (@Parliament_UG) December 19, 2017
Hon. James Niringiyimana(Kinkizi West,NRM): I have nine sub counties in my constituency. In one of them, I got 1500 people at my consultation meeting & only 23 supported lifting of #AgeLimit. In another, I got none. We need to redeem ourselves. #PlenaryUg
— Parliament of Uganda (@Parliament_UG) December 19, 2017
Hon. Ephraim Kamuntu: The supremacy of the people to choose who to govern them is the first principal of democracy. No opposition party can choose for us who to be our leader;that is the other principal. Parties must be free to front their own candidate. #AgeLimitBill #PlenaryUg
— Parliament of Uganda (@Parliament_UG) December 19, 2017
Hon Namuganza: the old people of my constituency told me that it’s the old broom that knows how to sweep all corners. #PlenaryUg #AgeLimitBill
— Parliament Watch (@pwatchug) December 19, 2017
Hon Sematimba: I only pray that the time for voting on this matter comes sooner so we can vote. #AgeLimitBill #PlenaryUg
Advertisement— Parliament Watch (@pwatchug) December 19, 2017
Hon Matia: People who say that this Bill is for Museveni, don’t insult us. There are many Ugandans above 75 who want to be president. #AgeLimitBill #PlenaryUg
— Parliament Watch (@pwatchug) December 19, 2017
Hon Ecweru: the people of Amuria told me that even after the amendment is done with, we will still remain Ugandans. Nobody can come here and talk about secession. It’s only in he mind of the person who said it. #AgeLimitBill #PlenaryUg
— Parliament Watch (@pwatchug) December 19, 2017
Hon Latigo: The constitutionality of Art 102b is not determined by Hon Magyezi but the Court of Appeal sitting as the Constitutional Court. #PlenaryUg #AgeLimitBill
— Parliament Watch (@pwatchug) December 19, 2017
Hon Nandala: We need to amend the constitution to say that the president of Uganda shall be Museveni and we stop these amendments. #PlenaryUg #AgeLimitBill
— Parliament Watch (@pwatchug) December 19, 2017
Age limit should not be for the MPs but pushed back to the electives.Any MP who supports age limit should be recalled back and punished by Ugandans.
This should not even be an issue worth debating in parliament. Its very clear we have very greedy individuals who just want to milk the country dry and keep the national cake to themselves. How does one conduct independent consultations when the head of state is dishing out sacks of money to the MPS as bribe to vote for the amendment. It appears that the nation has already been sold off to the wolves!