Thursday , March 13 2025

LIVE: Release of 2019 PLE results

Parents await the results at Kampala Parents School. PHOTO @ruthadong

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has released  the 2019 Primary Leaving Examination, showing overall that more pupils qualified to join post primary institutions than the previous year.

This year 617,150 candidates passed the PLE compared to 599,593 the previous year.

Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni received the PLE results at Kampala Parents School.

At last year’s 2018 PLE, male candidates performed better than their female counterparts with about 41,000 of them passing in division one compare to their female counterparts who only had 35,000 passing in division one.

The best-done subjects in 2018 were English followed by Social Studies. Science and Mathematics were the worst done subjects.

“I have noticed a marked drop in the performance in Science at the distinction level. From the brief I have received from UNEB, the problems that hinder good performance in Science still persist,” said Minister Janet Museveni.

“Teachers are teaching theoretically and have not adopted practical methods.
As I have said before, teachers must refocus their teaching to enable learners to be able to apply knowledge to their environment and other real life situations.”

She said that malpractice cases have gone down very significantly from the 2018 examination, due to the measures put in place by UNEB, the work of the security agencies, some parents and well-intentioned members of the public.

The Senior one ( S.1) Selection exercise will be conducted at UMA Show ground , Multi-purpose hall in Kampala from January 23rd to the 24th  2020.


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Performance by Gender

MALE 39,182 159,923 60,244 43,868 26,976
  11.9% 48.4% 18.2% 13.3% 8.2%
FEMALE 30,061 158,232 80,176 45,464 39,176
  8.5% 44.6% 22.6% 12.3% 11.0%

Candidates’ overall Performance by Divisional Grades

DIV 2019 2018
1 69,243 69,243 10.1 77,133 77,133 11.8
2 318,155 387,398 56.7 272,861 349,994 53.4
3 140,420 527,818 77.3 142,201 492,195 75.1
4 89,332 617,150 90.4 107,398 599,593 91.4
U 66,152 66,152 9.6 56,105 56,105 8.6
TOTAL   683,302     655,698  

Candidates’ overall Performance by Subject



2019 2018
2 6 8 2 6 8
ENGLISH 683,433 7.6 59.5 84.0 651,590 6.3 62.7 87.7
SST 683,400 14.0 78.9 93.1 657,589 12.1 80.4 95.5
SCIENCE 683,494 4.9 69.6 90.0 657,601 13.4 64.5 92.3
MATHS 683,496 6.0 48.3 84.9 657,565 6.2 41.7 77.0

PLE Figures for candidates who sat and absentees

Year Total Registered Total Sat Absentees % of Absentees
2019 695,804 683,302 12,502 1.8%
2018 671,923 659,633 12,293 1.8%
2017 646,190 631,282 14,907 2.3%
2016 640,833 623,540 17,427 2.7%
2015 621,401 620,482 19,614 3.2%

PLE Registration Figures for the last five years

Year UPE Non-UPE Total No. of Centres
2019 473,893 221,912 695,804 13,475
2018 476,130 195,796 671,923 13,072
2017 466,235 179,955 646,190 12,751
2016 488,310 152,657 640,833 12,391
2015 478,585 142,816 621,401 12,235


One comment

  1. Dear minister,we are strong supporters of NRM(HIMA TOWN COUNCIL-KASESE) Our children lack secondary education because we dont have a government secondary school in Hima T.C.Our mother,think about us.from kikundi tom,professional teacher,for HIMA PEOPLE.

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