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Home / NEWS / Magyezi relieves Bukwo CAO of duty, interdicts four district officials

Magyezi relieves Bukwo CAO of duty, interdicts four district officials

Local Government Minister Rapheal Magyezi.

Bukwo, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Swaib Balaba, the Bukwo Chief Administrative Officer is in trouble for alleged abuse of office, corruption and overseeing shoddy projects in the district.

The Local Government Minister Rapheal Magyezi, relieved Balaba of his duties on Tuesday and asked him to report to the ministry for further instructions.

The minister noted that Balaba has fallen short of his responsibilities as Chief Administrative Officer.

The minister also interdicted four district officials namely Catherine Cheptainui, an assistant CAO, Martine Chemaswat, an attendant in the CAO’s office, Richard Mudima, the Secretary District service commission, and Jonah Chewere, NUSAF desk officer on similar grounds.

The minister was in Bukwo district on a monitoring visit of government projects on Tuesday. Bukwo district has been in the limelight over the past week over the misuse of public funds, shoddy works and ghost projects.

Samuel Mbimbaza Hashaka, the Bukwo Resident District Commissioner said that his predecessor Esther Cherop told him that the biggest challenges in Bukwo are corruption, ghost projects and abandoned works.

He said that for the two months he has been in office, he has discovered at least eight ghost projects and that there is rampant theft of drugs in the hospital.

Julius Chelimo Moses, the Bukwo District LC V Chairperson said that he has never received fuel from the CAO since he assumed office, which has made his work tiresome.

He noted that whenever they would report any corruption case to the police, the file would disappear which demoralized him. He appreciated the Minister’s intervention.

Reuben Paul Chelimo, the Kongasis County Member Of Parliament said that the problem of corruption in the district is alarming. He said this has affected projects in the district.

He said that as area members of parliament, they will seat and see how much money was allocated to each project because there is a lot of miss management of funds.




  1. Good service

  2. This is a very good approach. “A stitch in time saves nine and one by one makes abundle”. If this method is applied to all districts in Uganda, corruption cases will either slow down or completely stop. Service delivery in Uganda is like a ball in the foot ball pitch that recieves several kicks before reaching the net. Money ment for certain group of people passes through several sharp corners and reaches the destination with very many excuses or does not reach at all.

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