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Home / NEWS / Mayuge district commercial officer dismissed for lack of academic documents

Mayuge district commercial officer dismissed for lack of academic documents

Mayuge Chief Administrative Officer Martin Kisule

Mayuge, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT |  The Ministry of Public Service has directed Mayuge Chief Administrative Officer Martin Kisule to dismiss, the District Commercial Officer Richard Waiswa over lack of the requisite academic documents to handle the job.

The ministry acted on a tipoff from a whistleblower who indicated that Waiswa’s academic documents did not corroborate with the institutions he claims to have studied from. The whistleblower further stated that several civil servants in Mayuge district acquired their jobs after bribing the District Service Commission.

Investigations into the matter were disposed of in February and, according to the findings, Waiswa failed to successfully counter the allegations against him. According to a letter dated June 23, from the Ministry of Public Service, Kisule is required to terminate Waiswa’s Contract before the end of this financial year on June 30. 

Kisule was also directed to terminate the contracts of Peter Kimbugwe and Albert Kakuru who were employed as Community Development Officers after submitting false academic documents. The two allegedly used other people’s academic documents to apply for the jobs.

However, Kisule says that the employees have occupied the offices for more than six years and dismissing them suddenly was a hard task to execute. He said he was consulting the  Attorney General for further guidance on this matter before implementing the directive, in order to ensure that there are no court battles thereafter. 

Waiswa says that he is also waiting for official communication from his supervisors at the district but declined to divulge into details.



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