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MPs demand boundaries for proposed cities


Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT  | Members of Parliament have asked the Ministry of Local government to present clear boundaries for the proposed 15 cities. The cities include Arua, Mbarara, Gulu, Jinja, Fort Portal, Masaka and Mbale. Others are Hoima, Lira, Entebbe, Soroti, Nakasongola, Kabale, Moroto and Wakiso.

The call followed a motion presented by the Minister of Local Government Tom Butime presented seeking parliamentary approval for the creation of the new cities. He said that the creation of the new cities will result in effective administration and take urban services closer to the people.

However, MPs led by Busiro East MP Medard Sseggona, the Leader of Opposition Betty Ocan and Ndorwa East MP Wilfred Niwagaba asked Butime to present clear boundaries for the proposed new cities. Sseggona noted that the government has altered boundaries of districts without consulting some local governments.

He cited the example of Entebbe city which will be made up of Entebbe Central and Entebbe North, yet Wakiso district council resolved that Wakiso city will be made up of Busiro county and Kyadondo county.

Niwagaba demanded boundaries of the new cities with the specific details on which parishes and constituencies fall under which city.

The Deputy Speaker Jacob Oulanyah says the House will discuss the motion further on Thursday.



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