Thursday , February 13 2025

Mugarura dismisses rumours of cheating in FDC elections

By Sarah Namulondo

The FDC electoral commission has today come out and denied earlier allegations of cheating in the recently concluded FDC by elections.

Dan Mugarura, the FDC electoral commissioner, said that all the issues of cheating that were raised about people voting more times than they should was total here say.

He said that there were only eight delegates who could not make it on the election date so they requested the electoral commission to allow people to vote on their behalf.

Mugarura said FDC had originally created a provision for proxy voters which they naturally went a head to implement.


He said that all the allegations against Alice Alaso by Nandala Mafabi are directed to misguide the public into believing that the elections were not free and fair.

“Alaso voted for her self,  Munira Mulera, and Tony Okodele who was out of the country but had delegated her to cast his vote for him:

Mugarura said Alaso was not the only person who voted for the proxy voters he mentioned Francis Epetiat as another person who voted for Kasiano Wadri who at the time was in china for a conference concerning political matters.

He said that trouble began when the delegates started showing exactly which sides they were supporting so in a way Nandala’s camp felt cornered and thought that Alaso and the other delegates were cheating.

Mugarura concluded saying that if anybody voted seven or ten times that day then the FDC electoral commission should be disbanded.

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