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LIVE: Museveni and Kagame sign Luanda Agreement

Museveni shakes hands with Kagame in Luanda today. The meeting was hosted by Angola  Presidents Joao Lourenco.  PHOTO PPU

Luanda, Angola | THE INDEPENDENT | Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and his counterpart Paul Kagame of Rwanda have signed the Angola Quadripartite Summit agreement today.

“We have agreed on a raft of issues that will be implemented between our two countries, largely meant to improve our security, trade, and political relations. Uganda is fully committed to enforcing this agreement,” Museveni said at the end of the summit.

“I thank Presidents Joao Lourenco of Angola and Felix Tshisekedi of DR Congo for overseeing this process. I also thank His Excellency Dennis Sassou Nguesso for witnessing the signing as Chair of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region.”

They together with Presidents of Congo, hosts Angola and DRC have committed to a new regional cooperation and security arrangement that should ease tensions in the region.

According to the memorandum of understanding, Rwanda and Uganda undertook to:

  1. Respect the sovereignty of each other’s and of the neighboring countries,
  2. refrain from actions conducive to destabilization or subversion in the territory of the other party and neighboring countries, thereby eliminating all factors that may create such perception, as well as that of acts such as the financing, training and infiltration of distabilizing forces
  3. protect and respect the rights and freedoms of the national of the other party residing or transiting in their national territories, in accordance with the law of the country.
  4. resume as soon as possible the cross-border activities between both countries, including the movement of persons and goods, for the development and improvement of the lives of their populations.
  5. promote, with the spirit of pan-Africanism and regional integration, comprehensive cooperation in the fields of politics’ security, defense, trade and cultural exchange, investment, based on complimentary and synergies
  6. establish and Ad Hoc commission for the implementation of this memorandum or understanding, headed by the ministers of Foreign Affairs and composed of the Ministers responsible for internal administration and head of Intelligence of both countries.
  7. keep facilitators regularly informed of progress in the implementation of the Memorandum of Understiand.

Today’s meeting was a followup of the July 12 summit also held in Angola’s Luanda which brought together the heads of state of the four countries.

At the last meeting in July, Rwanda and Uganda reached an understanding to resolve tensions that have erupted between their two countries in recent months, after contacts undertaken by Angola with the DR Congo’s assistance.

The Angola foreign minister has in the past two weeks visited Kigali and Kampala to seal the deal.

Uganda-Rwanda tensions

Rwanda’s Kagame and Museveni, once close allies, have exchanged public accusations of spying on each other’s territory and political interference.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame (R), Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix Tshisekedi (L), Uganda President Yoweri Museveni (C-L) and Angolan President Joao Lourenco (C-R) in Luanda in July. PHOTO AFP

Trade has been severely disrupted since late February when Rwanda abruptly closed the border with its northern neighbour, severing a major economic land route.

Apart from a brief interlude in June the frontier has mainly remained shut, damaging the economies of both countries reliant on cross-border trade.

In May, Ugandan police accused Rwandan soldiers of entering the country and killing two men, drawing an angry denial from Rwanda.

Analysts say the spat between Kagame and Museveni could threaten stability in the strife-prone Great Lakes region.



  1. Saddened Ugandan

    We are so proud!
    African leadership oyeee!!

    • ejakait engoraton

      WHAT PRIDE?????????
      This is like a husband and wife going to the relatives and even bringing in the LCs to decide or agree on the days they will have sex, who buys food and who cooks and who pays school fees for the children.

      Considering the history between the country and its peoples, things should never have reached this stage.

      THAT we have never had to implement or even think of going into such “arrangements” with any of our other neighbours , even Kenya when things were are at their worst, is a telling factor.

      BUT knowing our leaders, they like to create a problem where one never existed, and then claim to have solved it and then with all the accompanying fanfare.

      ONLY a fool would think that this is a great achievement.

  2. Kamugisha Hassan

    Staying in good relationship between Uganda and Rwanda is a remarkable agenda we are one in history.

    • How about incarcerated Rwandans in Kandiho and Kaka jails? How many agreements has Museveni reneged? I wish God would skip 2020 so elections take place

      • People will always be in prisons everywhere so long as they are criminals, if they violate the laws! Every country has prisons and there is no any country with out any prisoners ! Its all about what has one done

        • Benjamin, it is about doing things lawfully, and following the due process. To get locked up, tortured, have all your possessions taken away from you then deported is not how things should be done, (note that most of the people are very ordinary, poor people), the reasonable thing to do, would be to apprehend the offenders, charge them in courts of law and punish them according to the law when found guilty. That’s the civilized way.

    • ejakait engoraton

      THIS is an agreement between KAGAME and M7 , so that in the annals of history there will be a footnote to the effect that the two leaders in 2019 signed such and such.

      THIS is not an agreement between the people of UGANDA and RWANDA; the people of the two countries have NO quarrels between each other.

  3. These two juntus are fooling Ugandans, they know what their doing to succide in their plan of vandalizing Uganda. Let any body come across them if you guyz will not see fire

  4. Mr Serwanga Ivan

    I am happy for the agreement between our presidents, and we pray to God to help us go on well. we are brothers and sisters. May God be with us in Jesus ‘name Amen..

  5. the use pf two hands is to help each other but it doesn`t mean that if one hand goes off onother hand will be swept off no! he closed the border while knowing that people from Uganda will suffer not knowing that even people here will suffer more again all these two men are not innocent how can one stop people to oppose him and then you tell me that you won with 99% and another man rulling a country for 35years you think we are happy with these giants? have a look at 1994 wrangles and exagulate who`s innocent thank you for agrmnt

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