Friday , March 14 2025

Museveni, Church of Uganda condemn same-sex relationships

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Church of Uganda has re-emphasized its stance on denouncing homosexuality, a few days after the Church of England pronounced that its priests will be permitted to bless the civil marriages of same-sex couples.

Speaking during the 4th anniversary of St. Janani Luwum in Wiigweng village, Mucwini sub-county, Kitgum district, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Most Rev. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu called upon Ugandans to reject the temptation of homosexuality, and instead endeavor to suffer to have an impact on the people, as St. Janani Luwum did.

Rev. Kaziimba said even though the Church of England has taken another direction of accepting to officiate marriage between same-sex couples, the Church of Uganda is keeping the position of faith and will not be shaken.

He said it seems it is time for Christians in Uganda to take the Gospel back to England and America and preach it in its pure form because the gospel there is corrupted.

Rev. Kaziimba called upon parents and schools to fight the temptation of accepting money offered by propagators of homosexuality and fight painstakingly to keep the country free of all vices.

President Yoweri Museveni, who was the chief guest at the memorial event, commended the leaders for condemning homosexuality.

President Museveni said his standpoint has always been clear on homosexuality, calling it a deviation from the normal.


Museveni partly blamed the infiltration of homosexuality on the church leaders, who he said had been sleeping and waiting for financial aid from foreigners. He urged them to think of setting up income-generating activities so that they are not taken advantage of by donors.

Last week, the national assembly of the Church of England voted to allow priests to bless same-sex marriages and civil partnerships but maintained the ban on Church weddings for same couples.

Reports indicate that the blessings are expected to begin later this year after the Church of England refines its guidance and issue supplemental prayers and liturgies for the priests to use.

The decision made by the Church of England general synod comes after five years of discussions about their position on the matter. The general synod comprises Bishops, clergy, and laypeople.   This year’s celebration was based on the theme: United in Service and Growth.



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