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Home / Cover Story / Museveni looks for new BoU governor

Museveni looks for new BoU governor

Dr. Kasekende

In January 2010, Dr. Kasekende was re-appointed Deputy Governor of the Bank of Uganda. Insiders say his understanding was that he would succeed Mutebile. The magic year was supposed to be 2015, when Mutebile’s contract expired.

And all indications were that Kasekende would bag the job. Mutebile’s health had deteriorated and talk was that he was no longer capable of dealing with the rigours of heading the central bank.

Unfortunately, for Kasekende, politics came to Mutebile’s rescue.

Former Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi, who had since fallen out with President Museveni threw his hat in the presidential race.

In Mbabazi and Forum for Democratic Change (FDC)’s Kizza Besigye, Museveni was now facing two strong candidates from Greater Kigezi. Having lost Mbabazi, Museveni appointed Ruhakana Rugunda, another Kigezi stalwart, as Prime Minister.

President Museveni also figured dropping Mutebile, who comes from Kigezi region could cost him the Kigezi vote. He consulted about whether he could appoint him for only two years—until after the election—but was told it had to be five years. That is how Mutebile got a renewal for another five years and Kasekende lost the shot.

This sparked a silent cold war between the two men, which appeared to get out of hand this year.

Insiders say the bank has been divided into two major camps—the Kasekende camp looking to eject Mutebile and the Mutebile camp looking to defend the governor at whatever cost. Indeed, insiders say, it is these divisions that fueled fights over transfers, which sucked in the IGG, parliament and President Museveni. And many feel that the same will shape Museveni’s final decision.

Keith Muhakanizi

The current Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury, Ministry of Finance is a well-known figure and strong candidate.

If Museveni picks his current PSST for the BoU Governor job, he will have continued a tradition where the PSST becomes the BoU governor. Mutebile was previously a PSST.

Lawrence Kiiza

Kiiza retired from the Finance ministry quietly in 2017 and has stayed away from government noise and little is known about him.

One comment

  1. Why is the independent on Bou’case?(i)is it still the pain of the closure of crane bank and mwenda’s closness to sudhir(ii)incase mutebille’ contract is terminated without any satisfactory reason,he can sue for breach of contract(iii)there are many experienced Ugandans in the finance and banking sector who can replace mutebille.

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