Thursday , March 13 2025

Museveni soldiers on with drip irrigation campaign

President Museveni set up camp for days in Mayuge district in eastern Uganda to teach communities about improved farming methods as a continuation of his campaign using drip irrigation to mitigate the effects of drought.

With a model farm he established in Kityerera sub country in the district, Museveni said his intention is to teach people to use simple tools to water their crops for maximum yields. While talking to farmers, he revealed that he would make a visit every three months to check on the progress. He also introduced State House comptroller Lucy Nakyobe as the coordinator of the program.

He started the drip irrigation campaign in Luweero in November last year at the height of the prolonged dry spell. However critics have repeatedly denounced his model as a short term measure and one that hinders commercial farming due to its rudimentary nature.




  1. Wante isiko Jackson

    The idea is not bad but with Uganda have soany water bodies, government should have better irrigation schemes set in place than relaying pn water bottles.

  2. Increasing population = increasing demand for resources(food). This means as more forests are cleared for farmland and timber, weather systems are interrupted – air flows, air pressure, air condensation cannot be the same. There must be political and legislative movement to:

    – Consistently increase tree cover especially in highlands,
    – Address issues of land fragmentation
    – Increase fertiliser use for increased farm yields
    – Wetlands and river systems must be a no-go area
    – Attempt new practices – cloud seeding, green housefarming, rain water harvesting

    The objective is increase rainfall to more predictable patterns. Irrigation is now a catch word, but where is the water?

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