A regional comparison between EAC member states The recent big fight over seats in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has led to questions over what is at stake. Answers to the question are important, not least because, fierce competition for the seats rages in almost all EALA member states. …
Read More »ANALYSIS: Corruption growing in local governments
Auditor General names most corrupt districts as billions are swindled Corruption among officials and contractors of district level local governments is a big and growing problem, according to the latest report from the Auditor General’s office. But what is even more worrisome is that knowledgeable people seem to agree that …
Read More »THE LAST WORD: Why are Ugandans so angry?
THE LAST WORD: By Andrew M. Mwenda How economic success has tended to create more political trouble for Museveni than comfort Very many Ugandans are angry, very angry. They feel the country has lost direction. They argue that our politics is corrupted, our democracy in retreat, and elections are rigged. …
Read More »ANALYSIS: Unmasking TVO
An investigation reveals who really is behind Facebook character How do you track a character who is hell-bent on hiding their identity on the online social networking service, Facebook? That is the task several individuals and intelligence institutions in Uganda have sought to answer as they sought to unmask a …
Read More »Ugandan refugee serves up coffee and life lessons in California
Berkeley, United States | AFP | A coffee shop that recently opened in California is serving customers more than just steamy cups of latte or espresso, offering an additional true life lesson about an issue roiling the country — refugees. Founded by Rachel Taber and Doug Hewitt, 1951 Coffee …
Read More »What’s your poison? A history of killing with chemistry
Bangkok, Thailand | AFP | From the courtiers of Ancient Greece to Soviet spies and maybe now North Korean agents, poison has a long history as a weapon of murder, favoured by assassins for its stealthy delivery of the fatal blow. The killing of Kim Jong-Nam, the half-brother of the …
Read More »ANALYSIS: Mao’s DP test
Members say leader of oldest party in country must either quit or wind it up The leadership of President Norbert Mao of the Democratic Party is increasingly coming under major scrutiny. Mao is being accused of weakening Uganda’s oldest party with some critics saying he has ‘sold’ the party to …
Read More »Why Kenya lost fight for AU top job
And why East Africa lost more over outdated voting habits at continental body As the heads of state and government of the African Union meeting in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, started voting on Jan. 30 for the next head of the continental body, Kenya’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amina …
Read More »HEALTH: Bird flu threat
Experts say worst is over – possibly The good news announcement from the Ministry of Health came on Monday Jan. 30: the strain of avian influenza that was recently responsible for the death of many migrating wild birds in Uganda is possibly not likely to cause so-called `bird flu’ disease …
Read More »ANALYSIS: Tension over Kyambogo VC
Varsity chairman says search will be finished in March Tension is growing again at Kyambogo University over the delay by authorities to appoint a new Vice Chancellor. Critics and students say the failure is crippling university business. Key members of the University Senate, the second highest decision making organ, on …
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