Wednesday , July 3 2024
Home / NEWS ANALYSIS (page 59)


insight news

Air pollution is getting worse

  See how bad Kampala air is compared to other cities around the world in new report Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Air pollution is now considered to be the world’s largest environmental health threat, accounting for seven million deaths around the world every year. Air pollution causes and …

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Politics of death

The way we mourn leaders reveals what unites and divides us | THE INDEPENDENT | Two countries mourned the deaths of very different leaders in March and April 2021. In the UK, the media was dominated by stories about Prince Phillip – an unelected but nonetheless prominent public figure – …

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Briquette maker turns the heat on charcoal

Conservationist starts venture to use up 65% of harvested trees that often goes to waste Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Uganda’s tropical high forests have been declining rapidly and conservationists have been relentless in sounding the alarm over their imminent disappearance in the next two decades unless something is …

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Boosting tax compliance

Uganda study shows text messages can work | ISABELLE COHEN | Every government needs money to fund its political, social and economic duties. Much of what they spend is generated from taxes, fines and sales of public goods and services. The exchange of these revenues for government services is at …

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