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insight news

Digital rights in Uganda

  How the government is hindering them Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | An unfavourable national legal policy framework and ignorance of the policy implementers are among issues stopping Ugandans from enjoying their digital rights. Dorothy Mukasa; the Executive Director of Unwanted Witnesses, a civil organisation that defends and protects …

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Credit card fraud

What you need to know | BRUNO BUONAGUIDI | If you are the owner of a credit or a debit card, there is a non-negligible chance that you may be subject to fraud, like millions of other people around the world. Starting in the 1980s, there has been an impressive …

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UNHCR boss Grandi visits Uganda

Rallies donors to respond to refugee funding crisis Kampala, Uganda | RONALD MUSOKE | Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees returned to Uganda after three years to morale-boost donor support for Uganda’s faltering refugee response. The UN refugee agency which Grandi heads is grappling for resources to meet …

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Kenya’s maize ban

What lessons for Uganda? Kampala, Uganda | MUBATSI ASINJA HABATI | On March 5, Kenya began implementing a ban on importation of maize from Uganda and Tanzania citing high levels of aflatoxins which makes maize unfit for human and animal consumption. But on March 11, Kenya’s minister for agriculture turned …

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When the husband dies

Legal approaches to the burial rights of a surviving wife | DR REMIGIUS N NWABUEZE | Most mortuary cultures sentimentalise the dead body of a departed relative. Legal systems accommodate these sentiments through the development of appropriate legal protections. In 1905, a U.S. court captured the enormity of the legal …

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