Friday , March 14 2025

NRM succession debate gains traction

The ever ongoing succession debate inside NRM and the country is fast gaining momentum with more regime insiders pronouncing themselves on the issue. President Museveni’s son in law Odrek Rwabwogo has called for dialogue on the issue that is rarely discussed formally in internal party structures. Although some low ranking party cadres have tried to counter Rwabwogo, senior government officials like Amelia Kyambadde, a former Principle Private Secretary to Museveni and currently Minister for Trade and Ofwono Opondo, the government spokesperson have said the party should discuss the issue in an open manner to create an orderly transition. The officials say it is a healthy discussion that should be encouraged within the party. On the other hand, Museveni says the succession debate is a small issue stressing that he is more focused on fighting poverty.



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