Thursday , March 13 2025

Only 35% of private facilities offer data to disease surveillance system

Dr Tom Aliti, commissioner of Health Sector Partners and Multi-Sectoral Coordination Ministry of Health emphasised the critical role of Public-Private Partnership in the Health Sector

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | While private health providers are the first point of care and offer services to more than 50 per cent of the population, the Ministry of Health reveals that what happens in these facilities is not accurately tracked because many do not contribute data to the Health Information System.

All hospitals irrespective of whether they are owned by the government or not are required to report patient-based data to the data system housed at the district. But Dr Tom Aliti, the Commissioner in charge of partnerships in the Ministry of Health says that only 35 per cent of private hospitals are contributing patient-related data to the system.

But Aliti says that even at the level of the Ministry private hospital administrators never attend monthly meetings meant to check areas of need and where government and the private sector can partner to make service delivery better. This, he says, does not only skew their analysis and final decision-making but means that the Ministry cannot give an exact picture of the country’s health indicators.

Dr Aliti was speaking during the Private Health Sector Convention, an annual meeting organized by the Uganda Healthcare Federation (UHF) to among others assess the performance of private health providers,

Aliti was speaking just after an assessment report done by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) revealed gaps in the maintenance of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures in especially lower-level private health facilities in Kampala.

According to Louis Bayo, a member of the team that conducted the assessment, they assessed 2,137 health facilities during the Ebola viral disease outbreak to establish the readiness of these facilities to handle highly infectious diseases and found major gaps in the majority of them.

He says that later on, they used a scorecard approved by the Ministry of Health to do a follow-up assessment on 7,696 facilities across the five divisions of Kampala and only 42 per cent had the required IPC measures in place. When it comes to lower private facilities at the level of Health Center II, only 2 per cent were performing well and yet these are the ones most frequented by the population.


Commenting about these concerns, Grace Kiwanuka the Executive Director of UHF, which is the umbrella body that brings together private providers says conducting disease surveillance requires hospitals to be supported with training and access to materials they would need to collect the data but these are mainly provided to government hospitals and the Private – Not –for profit hospitals.

She also notes that while the assessment finds lower-level health facilities to have major gaps, they are run by technical people, although these are not consistently retooled to be up to date with the changes in the health sector.  She says the federation has since recognized this challenge and is currently conducting monthly virtual meetings to share knowledge on the latest developments in the centre.

For now, however, Aliti says these assessment results have been shared with the private providers to help them re-organize themselves but if nothing changes, he says some of them will be closed.



One comment

  1. The commissioner
    Please remember a good number of residents in the districts of Kampala seen not to be covered by public facilities
    One would have imagined that going to a Private facility is an informed choice, but to some of us, it is the only option
    Once more we ask those concerned; if Kawempe had been designated to be HC Iii, using standard national criterion, when it became a hospital for the female gender, what happened to those who previously accessed service from that location?

    Well IPC is an indicator of quality if service ( no further comment)

    Then the staff are nor retooled
    In other words, we the residents are being treated in a different way from the rest of the country!

    Apparently a number of us are of low means so we may not be reporting to private facilities that offer standard of care
    Accordingly you may not be missing much in terms of data, because the tools being used to generate it do not seem to be uniform

    We imagine, the treatment we receive has to approximate that from the rest of the country before our data can be reliable ( comparable)

    As you hold virual meetings, please educate the participants on hand hygiene

    One walks in to the reception of a modern clinic, with such good customer care, digital capture of data but the interface between the client and practitioners misses the hand hygiene ( the basic minimum)

    “On behalf of them who may not know what they are entitled to- we feel abandoned to fate”

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