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Open letter to Gen. Mugisha Muntu

By Freddie B. Kwiringira

History will absolve you

I salute you for your leadership and sacrifice. We give glory to God for sustaining you. The current struggles, storms in FDC Party are expected in a fragile, inconsistent political system in Uganda and Africa.

There are many self seekers, opportunists, selfish, gamblers, with an inclination to a parochial approach to democracy, politics, and governance, accountability as well as leadership.  The future is promising.

In your youth you dared join bush struggle leaving certainty where you could have worked with then-president Milton Obote who was a close friend to your father. At age of 23 years you left Makerere University, risked life to join NRA/NRM to fight for liberty, rule of law, freedom, progress then Ten Point Point programme; a minimum agenda agreed upon in the so-called Luwero Triangle to develop Uganda.

Eventually you realised the causes, ideals, values you envisioned were frustrated by evil agents, self-aggrandisement, undemocratic tendencies, and a painful experience. Once again you took the unexplored route joining the unprincipled opposition, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC). You sacrificed comfort, privilege, convenience, riches, power, authority, company, and comradeship you would have enjoyed if you had accepted to be a minister in NRM. You left all that for the wilderness because you rightly believe the forces of evil, impunity, darkness, will be subdued by goodness, righteousness, democracy, tenets of universal visionary leadership and transformation.

You have remained true to your conscience. You were defeated by Dr. Kizza Besigye in the FDC elections which you respected and conceded defeat with dignity. That is the hall mark of a democrat and nationalist.

Yet when you defeated Nandala Mafabi in the race for the same position after Besigye resigned, obscurantists in NRM and FDC have sponsored dissent in FDC. They have been engaged in name-calling, betrayal, chaos, and politics of hatred. Still, you have emerged better than these negative forces, of Odongo Otto, Rubaramira Ruranga, Besigye, and Jack Sabiiti. Like and invisible hand, in the Movement government, many fear your principles, your dislike of corruption, incompetence, wickedness, cheap popularity, gallery politics, tribalism, and short term gains.

The utterances and behaviour of some of the political players who claim your style is killing the FDC party are shallow and inward looking. Our people must learn to work within institutions and follow constitutions. It is never easy dealing with persons who have accumulated wealth in questionable circumstances now challenging you on why you have not mobilised funds to run the party.

The sour-grapping of the likes of Mafabi who think because they spent money in the party, it is a licence to automatic leadership of FDC is despicable. We need leaders who are dependable, with values, incorruptible, visionary, and not just focussing on themselves.

Uganda and by extension Africa should stand up and elect leaders who give good examples to the young people, respect democracy whether in government or opposition.   History is on your side. Never give up; men and women of character stand with you.

It is a lonely painful journey (Isaiah 40:31). You have to carry the cross to save future generations and inculcate politics that will transform Uganda, Africa, and humanity. When all is lost the future remains.

You survived the Luwero bush war with scars and bullets in your body. You will triumph here too. It will either be in your life time or in the life of future generations. Your contribution of building democratic foundations and digging wells of democracy and good governance is exemplary. You are an icon in Uganda’s history.  Jesus was despised by his people and even killed. But his works, philosophy, teachings, and life define the world today and the future.   Great men of honour; Martin Luther King Jr, Che Guevera, Mahatma Gandhi, Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Freddie Gisa Rwigema, Ignitius Musaazi, Obote, John K. Kale among others have footprints in the history, politics, and in serving humanity.  The ideals, values, philosophy you stand for will reign.  The future is glorious!


Freddie Kwiringira is the CEO of Divine Safaris

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