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Home / ARTICLES 2008-2015 / Otunnu warns on promoting NRM in UPC

Otunnu warns on promoting NRM in UPC

By Aloysious Kasoma

Uganda People’s Congress president Olara Otunnu has warned UPC members on promoting Museveni’s interests in the party.

Otunnu while addressing the press conference in Kampala on Wednesday said that the NRM leadership lost legitimacy and also lost the grace of God.

“We are vigilant of those promoting Museveni in UPC yet they pretend to be UPC, the leader lost the grace of God and decadence has taken root,” he said.

Otunnu said that speaking about organizing NRM is a deceit because the regime is unformable. He called upon other parties to join UPC and redeem the country.

“What Uganda is discussing day and night is how Museveni leaves power, that’s what UPC and others should do, I want Museveni to leave long with his family as he retires to Rwakitura” he said.

He said that the people of Uganda have to decide either to choose to remain enslaved or say enough is enough.

Otunnu added that the opposition UPC policy is to reject the policy of hegemony and insist on the message of state but not Kangaroo policies. He said Uganda needs a state whose purpose is to serve the ordinary Ugandans.

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