Sunday , February 9 2025

Paramount Chief raises concern over erosion of Acholi dialect

Acholi Paramount Chief Rwot David Onen Acana II displays copies of the newly launched Acholi diary at his palace in Gulu City on Sunday. URN photo

Gulu Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Acholi Paramount Chief, Rwot David Onen Acana II has raised fears over the fast erosion of the Acholi dialect. Rwot Acana says the proficiency level of his subjects in speaking the Acholi language has greatly declined as many prefer foreign languages.

While addressing journalists on Sunday in Gulu city, Acana noted that the majority of his subjects now speak the Acholi language mixed with foreign languages, which doesn’t portray the true identity of the Acholi people.

According to Rwot Acana, many parents in the region now prefer to teach their children in English over the Acholi dialect, a move he says has led to the dilution of the Acholi language.

In a bid to save the Acholi language from further deteriorating, the Paramount chief on Sunday launched the Acholi Diary. According to Rwot Acana, the diary, which has already been produced consists of names of months in Acholi, and details of prominent sons of Acholi who excelled in life in the field of literature, sports, and leadership.

Acana says there is a need for parents to make it a priority to teach their young children the local language before introducing them to English.

Rev. Willy Olango, the Minister of Justice at Ker Kwaro Acholi says the cultural institution in partnership with the Acholi language board is currently pushing for the teaching of the Acholi language in secondary schools.


He says the move has so far yielded fruit with Gulu Senior Secondary School already teaching the Acholi language as a subject at the Advanced level.

Rev. Olango says introducing the Acholi language to be taught in schools will not only help to promote the identity but also open up doors for the young generation in employment in the future. At least 500 copies of the Acholi Diary have been printed by the cultural institution with plans to produce a total of 10,000 copies in a period of five years.

The launch of the diary is part of an initiative the cultural institution has taken to mark the 17th coronation anniversary of Rwot Acana.



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