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Pastor rebukes the clergy, Christians

By Joan Akello

After the hosts- Uganda Christian University choir warmed the congregation through African praise and dances, a fire spitting Nigerian preacher convinced   hundreds to get Born Again just like the Uganda Martyrs. That was not all; he preached for a record one and half hours against tribalism and religious hypocrisy.

“When we wear our robes as Bishops, some of us behave holier than Jesus,” yet Rt.Rev. Timothy Yahaya says, “There are people playing religion in church but living in hell.”

Yahaya, also Bishop of Jalingo Diocese Nigeria, was preaching on the theme dubbed being faithful witnesses to the end to mark the Uganda Martyrs day at the Anglican side.  “ The Gospel must cross tribal barriers, languages .

Stop preaching  the Gospel  basing ion tribes , divisions and  culture because,”  Rt. Rev. Timothy Yahaya said,  “ even the nation of Uganda has  to hear this-the Word of God  should be for all.”

Yahaya said, according to internet searches, the Ugandan martyrs were persecuted because they refused to participate in traditional sacrifice and some were against Kabaka Mwanga’s homosexual practices.

“These young man travelled  on foot for days , the mistreatment, humiliation,  the fear of death ,and  the shrine of traditional religion was   enough  to change their minds but they  decided to die on  conviction on  what they believed,” he said.

He likened the circumstances under which the martyrs were killed to present day Nigeria where Christians cannot enter church with bags nor park cars on church compounds.

The church can be bombed with believers in what he calls a world where Satanism and anti –Christ are persecuting the church.

“In Northern Nigeria today, some of our people have been maimed, some have lost their legs but that has not killed the spirit of the Gospel,” Yahaya added, the more they kill us the more we worship Christ.”

The Prime Minister, John Patrick Amama Mbabazi representing government assured Yahaya Nigeria will overcome since Uganda had experienced the same turmoil before.

Uganda is stable and though there are challenges, its stability will not be shaken,” Amama said.

UCU vice chancellor, Rt. Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi said the university spent between Shs 200 to Shs 300million on the Namugongo preparations such as minimal renovations and improvements to preserve the historical site for posterity which he said is ‘ordinarily the prerogative of government  to giuve it a national status’.

He added that UCU has facilitated the writing of a new Liturgy for the church of Uganda as one oth activities to mark the centenary celebrations of UCU whose history is interlinked with Bishop Tucker College that was founded in 1913.

James Ogoola the Chief guest said ‘the blood of the martyrs is but  the watering of the church, therefore it should  remember all the martyrs including Janani Luwum, the third Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and Bishop  James Hannington  who was killed  in Busoga.

“Lest we forget , Bishop Hannington  was the first  Bishop of  Equatorial  Africa( todays Easst and Central Africa) …he was  murdered literally on the eve of  the slaughter  of the Namugongo  martyrs  whom we celebrate here.”

Ogoola says Bukedi Diocese is spearheading the Hannington Theological College to teach lay readers and priests in memory of the Bishop.

“I want to challenge the Uganda Christian University (successor  to Bishop Theological  College) and the entire  Church  of the Province, to  remember and honour  Bishop James Hannington, the pioneer  pillar  of the Church of Uganda…came before Bishop Tucker; in  whose martyred footsteps Bishop Tucker walked; indeed whose body Bishop Tucker exhumed from Mumias in Kenya for final burial at Namirembe  Cathedral in Kampala, Uganda.

Yahaya charged  the clergy in Uganda to build more churches, but also ensure they do not act like the Western world that ‘ planted churches  and handed them over  to auditors,  administrators, and undertakers’.

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