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A perfect world would be boring

Dr. Ronnie M. Egwang, Managing Director of Eclipse Marketing & Events and media personality talked to Joan Akello about life and his dreams.

What don’t we know about you?

I’ve  been in media for the past 15 years,  but my family is not in the media, people in office call me  Mr. protocol and I only treat dogs.

What are some misconceptions in Uganda about animals?

In Uganda, when your animal falls sick you don’t treat it, you eat it.

Even a dog?

People don’t eat dogs in Uganda but if a cow falls sick and you tell them treatment will cost Shs250,000, they say that is more than its value of Shs225,000.

What is your favourite breed of dogs?

Doberman Pinscher; they’ve got   very little fur and are attack and alert dogs. My parents had six dogs. I’ve been fighting with my wife to accept dogs at home. My son also likes them.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

True happiness is lowering your expectations;then everything that happens over and above becomes a plus.

What is your greatest fear?


What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I’m overly communicative; my mouth moves faster than my brain.

When and where were you happiest?

Life is like an Electrocardiogram. We are driven by fighting to achieve things to get out of the depression and get back to or stay in happiness.

What is your current state of mind?

40 is the new 20 and I wanted to retire at 40 but I can’t.  I’m at cross roads between being disappointed because I failed myself and at the same time being apprehensive about my business.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?

You can be the ugliest in the room but what counts is the confidence you have in your ugliness. I thought I ‘d a big nose because I was  very thin  up until I put on weight at about 30 years.

They say weight comes with marriage

Give her the credit.

What should bachelors look for in a woman?

Cares, can talk to, and God fearing, and beautiful;  looks are the gateway to the heart.

What would you change about yourself?

Nothing. Life is supposed to be full of challenges because every single person would press control Alt  delete to all their negatives and press Control P and  paste all the positives back into their lives  and we would have a world full of  perfect individuals and it would be boring.

So challenges are good?

There are times when I wish I could rewind time and tell my past self not to make certain mistakes but then it would make life too easy. It’s when you are weak that God shows strength in your life.

What is your greatest achievement?

Been married for about 10 years with two kids; my business has evolved in the past 16 years to TV production.

If you were to die and come back, what would you be?

Water, it turns to liquid, solid and gas and it moves from Lake Victoria to the entire world and people move with you.

Where would you most like to live?

Uganda as I explore with my family.

What do you most value in your friends?

Reliability and trust.

Who are your favorite writers?

I used to read two to three books a week up until 2001 but I read periodicals about marketing, business management and current affairs.

What do you watch?

Science fiction, technology, business, comedy – Tosh.0 by Daniel Tosh, Agents of Shield, The Walking dead.

Who is your hero of fiction?

The entire cast in the comedy -The Interview. I like their tag line -They hate us cause they aint us.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Jesus Christ,Nelson Mandela and  nobody has done a greater job than Martin Luther King; I will be treated equally and freely not by the colour of my skin.

What is your greatest regret?

Not yet because I haven’t yet left the earth and still have time to do everything.

Working out?

I realised that as I am growing older, I need to be fitter. I started going to the gym three years ago and playing tennis.I’ll be 40 but some people think I’m 30.

How would you like to be remembered?

It’s sad  not because I’ll miss me but because I won’t be there for my family, team , my fans and I still have a lot to do.

What are these?

To open a public speaking and inspiration academy where we’ll be going around in different schools giving talks and at the end of every single term identify the most talented speakers so that we can train and mentor the next generation of public speakers.

What is your motto?

Life is full of opportunities to share, people to meet, places to go, things to learn.

Advice to your fans

I’m a testimony, while at vet school people said I would end up a nobody and called me Dr. DJ and fought with my dad for some time. In life we give up too soon and do not take up opportunities because of public opinion or status quo. If I had listened to people I wouldn’t be who I ‘m today.

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