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Home / ENTERTAINMENT / One big party – The Kampala City Festival is here

One big party – The Kampala City Festival is here


PICTORIAL: Kampala Capital City Authority Sunday hosts a fifth Kampala City Festival, considered the biggest street party in East Africa, as the city and country celebrate  their culture, innovation, unity and social life. To spice the annual event are the Kampala City festival rally, that on Saturday set the stage for the festival, cycling and a classic vintage show all packaged under the theme: Black-Yellow-Red. To cap it all, NITA-Uganda launch a free wifi service for Kampala!

KCCA proudly said pre-event, “With Kampala in a constant state of change and regeneration, the festival projects the image of the City as a happy, cultural and warm place to be while promoting positive change to its public realm.” (ALL PHOTOS KCCA)


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