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Home / NEWS / Police blames bomb attacks on Allied Democratic Forces

Police blames bomb attacks on Allied Democratic Forces

Police spokesperson Fred Enanga

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Police Force has attributed today’s twin bombings in Kampala to the Allied Democratic Forces-ADF, a rebel force that has its base in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Just hours after the bombings that have so far claimed the lives of six people including three suicide bombers, police spokesperson Fred Enanga said the evidence they have so far gathered points to domestic terrorism with forces closely linked to ADF.

Speaking to journalists at the police headquarters in Naguru, Enanga said one suicide bomber died in the CPS explosion while two others who had disguised as boda-boda riders died in the Parliamentary Avenue explosion.

In total, 33 people have been wounded in the attacks with five in very critical condition according to police. Enanga explained that there was also a fourth suicide bomber who was part of the group but police managed to apprehend him and recovered a suicide vest.

“Although three suicide bombers died in the two bomb attacks, our Counter Terrorism response teams managed to pursue a fourth suicide bomb attacker and arrested him at Bwaise. They shot and injured him, and immediately after recovered an unexploded improvised explosive device at his home in Nansana-Katooke. We are now pursuing other members of the terror groups,” Enanga said.

Today’s bombings come less than a month after two other bombs exploded in Komamboga, and along Masaka road in a Swift Bus and killed two people. Even when police attributed those attacks to ADF, the rebel group is yet to come out with a report on what exactly happened.

The Islamic State, a global terror organization had also claimed responsibility for the bombings although police still maintained that what happened was a work of domestic terror groups with links to ADF.

Security in Kampala remains very tight with counter terrorism police still combing the two explosion sites for any evidence. Enanga called upon the people of Kampala whose businesses have been closed to bear with the security forces as it carries on with its duties.

“We have managed to forestall over 150 terror attacks and Kampala remains one of the safest cities in this region. But we call upon our people to remain vigilant because the terror threat is still active,” Enanga said.



One comment

  1. It is (Problem, Reaction, Solution),

    Anyone who seeks a better understanding of the seemingly unexplainable conflicts and events taking place in and around the world should learn more about the modern-day application by our “rulers” of what is known as the Hegelian Dialectic (problem, reaction, solution).

    1. The first step (thesis) is to Create a problem.

    2. The second step (antithesis) is to generate a Reaction, or opposition, to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria).

    3. The third step (synthesis) is to offer the Solution to the problem created by step one: A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning that
    is now achieved in stages one and two.

    When our “rulers” see a result they would like to have, whether it be increased domestic authoritarian rule (think of all the current hot-button issues being generated about race, gender, guns, free speech, political correctness, health and privacy) or a war abroad that solidifies their power, dominance and control – all they have to do is devise a problem that will lead to the outcome they want.

    This is commonly done through false flag events and attacks, where the government of a nation attacks itself so that it can respond in the way that it had wanted to all along, because it’s only through those attacks where citizens will ultimately give in and agree to their planned solution.

    We want to think that there is no way this could be allowed to happen by our own government, but can we really be so sure?

    Think about it, on a much lesser plane, people utilize the Hegelian Dialectic without even realizing it. Someone doesn’t feel they’re getting the attention they need or deserve from others (problem).

    They create some sort of drama, tragedy or sickness in their life (reaction). Others start showing them the attention that they wanted to begin with (solution).

    How much more can this process of manipulation actually be magnified when it corresponds with more wealth, corruption and power than most of us can even imagine?

    So, when we are presented with something rather outlandish taking place on the news, maybe we should first ask ourselves if it really even makes much sense.

    It might just yet be another example of the Hegelian Dialectic playing out right before our very eyes.

    It may better serve us to take a moment to try and determine what the real agenda could be from those who are in control (problem) before blindly jumping on board (reaction) and supporting their resolution (solution).

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