Friday , March 14 2025

Police Cracks down shisha smokers

In continued efforts to implement the Tobacco Control Act passed in 2015, police over the weekend carried out a raid on various bars around Kampala confiscating Shisha pots and pipes.

The police who arrested over 30 smokers said that mass sensitization about the law had been done but people were still not respecting it. The law provides for stringent measures aimed at protecting both smokers and non-smokers from the health, social, economic and environmental consequences of tobacco use and exposure. Anyone who contravenes the law which bans use of in addition to shisha, cigarettes, kubar and use of electronic cigarettes is liable to imprisonment of a term not less than a year or a fine of Shs420, 000 or both.

Shisha smoking which is a relatively a new trend is said to be lucrative for uptown bar owners.



One comment

  1. Humans tend to have differences in terms of personality, likes, dislikes and interests. This may vary from one person to another. Sometimes you choose friends, who are at the same personality, like as your or sometimes completely the opposite. In any of these social circles, smoking has always caught interest since the dawn of humanity.

    Even though people know the harmful effects of smoking shisha they still get hooked into it. In order to understand the effects of shisha we need to learn all about the chemicals that are found in shisha. Shisha contains very toxic ingredients include Tobacco, tar carbon monoxide, nicotine , rare heavy metals and some cancer causing chemicals. Everybody doesn’t know, the water that passes does not dissolve any toxic chemical meaning the all the toxic coming from shisha is inhaled.

    According to recent research by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is estimated that a smoker inhales half a litre of smoke per cigarette, while a shisha smoke can take in anything from just under a sixth of a litre to as much as a litre of smoke per inhalation. Not only is the smoker prone to the harmful effects of shisha smoking it also harm non- smokers. Non-smokers also get diseases coming from second hand smoke, like in the case of their parents or friends who do smoke.

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