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Home / In The Magazine / THIS WEEK: Police face wrath of Kaweesi murder suspects’ families

THIS WEEK: Police face wrath of Kaweesi murder suspects’ families

FILE PHOTO: The first batch of Kaweesi murder suspects in court. PHOTO @MICOH

Relatives and wives of Kaweesi murder suspects stormed Nakawa Chief Magistrates Court and threatened to dump their children at the court premises saying they were unable to feed the children since their fathers were locked up.

There was panic at court premises as magistrates could be seen rushing to their chambers.

Felix Kaweesi, an Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) was killed on March 17 by unknown gunmen.

The suspects’ spouses were about and demanded court to release their husbands immediately. As a result of the melee, police drove back the suspects to Luzira prisons.


Police hands back 15 minors in Kaweesi murder investigation (click to read)

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