Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Politicians have been cautioned against propagating chaos as the country prepares for presidential nominations due to start tomorrow November 2, 2020. The 2-day exercise will be held at the Kyambogo University cricket ground.
According to guidelines issued earlier by the police, all presidential aspirants and candidates will not be allowed to hold any processions along the road and will equally have restricted access to the central business district and all junctions that join the Kampala-Jinja highway between Spear Motors and Kireka trading centre.
The nomination centre will only be accessible to presidential aspirants, their recommended number of people accredited by Electoral Commission and Electoral Commission officials. Similarly, access to Kyambogo University will be restricted to only accredited persons. There will also be no access to other motorists intending to use the Kampala-Jinja highway between Spear Motors and Kireka trading centre except members of the Electoral Commission, presidential aspirants, service vehicles, emergency vehicles and security vehicles.
According to police, they have learnt of a ploy by political actors and groups who are mobilising bodaboda riders and militias onto the streets and ferrying supporters from upcountry to join illegal processions and rallies.
Edward Ochom, the director of operations in the Uganda Police Force says that the police are well prepared to counter anyone who defies the directive as well as any threat presented by political activists during the nomination exercise, an event which has been categorised as a high target for violence, civil disobedience and demonstrations.
The first on the nomination list is the National Resistance Movement candidate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who will be nominated at 10 o’clock on Monday. On the same day, the EC has listed General Henry Tumukunde, Gen Gregg Mugisha Muntu, John Katumba and Nancy Kalembe for nomination.
Ochom reiterates that the police and its sister agencies will apply reasonable force at their disposal to counter and disperse threats of any kind. Specialist teams have been deployed at selected locations while others are patrolling in rapid reaction formations. There are also dedicated K9 teams and crowd dispersal teams deployed to counter all forms of illegal activities and violent demonstrations that could compromise public safety and security.
He also cautioned bodaboda riders and the politicians they support to avoid organizing and taking part in illegal processions to the nomination centre because they will be met with full force from the security officers.