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PROTEST NOTE: New low in Uganda-Rwanda relations

PACT NOW SHAKY: Angola President Joao Lourenço (C) makes a statement next to President of  Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso (L) Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (2-L) President of Rwanda Paul Kagame (2-R) and DRC president  Felix Tshissekedi (R) after the signing an agreement to cease the hostilities between Uganda and Rwanda, on August 21, 2019 in Luanda.  New incidents are undermining the pact. PHOTO AFP

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda has conveyed to Rwanda her serious concern regarding an incident of murder of her nationals that occurred on Rwandan territory last week.

A protest note has been delivered to Rwanda’s High Commissioner to Uganda, Maj. Gen. Frank Mugambage, by Ambassador Patrick Mugoy, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uganda.

According to Uganda Government Spokesman Ofwono Opondo, the incident occrued on Sunday, 10th November 2019, at about 05:00 hours, resulting in two Ugandans being shot dead by Rwandan security personnel from Tabagwe, along the Kamwezi border.

“Government of Uganda has today issued a protest to the Government of  Rwanda, in regards to shootings by Rwandan Security Personnel that continue to occur along the common shared Uganda-Rwanda border,” he said.

He named the deceased Ugandans as Job Byarushanga of Kiruhura Cell, Kamwezi Sub-County, Rukiga District and Bosco Tuhirirwe of Kabira Cell, Kamwezi Sub-County Rukiga District, who bodies have already been returned by the Rwandan Government.

The Ugandan protest note to Rwanda stated that, “The Government of Uganda protests in the strongest terms the murder of its nationals by Rwandan security personnel for allegedly being involved in smuggling of goods across the common border. The alleged crime cannot justify the high handed and criminal act by the Rwandan security personnel, against unarmed civilians residing along the common border,”

“Furthermore, the Ministry notes that these murders are inimical to the ongoing efforts to improve relations between the two countries. The Ministry demands that a joint investigation in the murders be conducted and the perpetrators held accountable. ”

The Ugandan Foreign Affairs Ministry also raised concern regarding an incident in which a Rwandan national was shot and severely wounded on Rwandan territory, while returning from Uganda territory and was forced to flee back to Uganda.

” On Monday 4th November 2019, at about 1930hrs at Rushaki B Cell, Karujanga Parish, Rubaya Sub-county, Kabale district, a one Peter Havugimana 28 years, resident of Kabaya village (Omudugudu), Gishari Parish (Akagari) Rubaya Sub-county (Omurengye) in Gicumbi District (Akarere), a Rwandan national was received after being shot in the shoulder from about 200 meters in Rwanda, on the border with Uganda,” Ofwono stated.

The victim was shot while carrying about ten (10) kilograms of potatoes from Uganda into Rwanda. After the shooting he ran back into Uganda territory for his safety. The victim was rushed to Katuna Police Station and thereafter referred to Katuna Community Clinic for further management. At the Clinic, a bullet was removed from his body and the victim is now in stable condition.

“The Government of Uganda considers the shooting incident a grave matter and that although the latest victim is Rwandan, it constitutes a pattern of reckless and high-handed acts on the part of Rwanda security personnel, against simple, ordinary people that live along the common border. The Government of Uganda is ready to hand Peter Havugimana to the relevant Rwanda Government authorities, if he wishes to return,” Ofwono concluded. (read details of the ANGOLA PACT page 2)


  1. These kind of protests yield nothing. When Rwanda accused uganda of arresting rwandese, Rwanda closed the border. Had it been uganda which killed a Rwandese uganda embassy would have been closed. But the weak uganda, they can only say empty words. What is in the ” strongest terms possible”? Nothing. Tommorrow Rwanda will shoot more. I suggest that Ugandans keep off Rwanda territory, they are dead serious

  2. Alexander Ham Male

    If it is not allegation that Rwanda security agents shot dead unarmed Ugandan smugglers of tobacco, should be condemned. Perhaps there was d sign of misconduct by security agents which should be investigated. They should have arrested them for prosecution rather than shooting them to death. Revenge not and embark on building diplomatic relations in d region for peace and trade. In that aspect, the possibility of opening new trade routes linking Uganda, Congo and DRC is expected. Keep God’s principle and revenge not neither protest.

  3. Any way, only God will resolve this issue, otherwise son of men` are becoming deadly.

  4. Only God will save us, otherwise, son of men are becoming deadly

  5. Insincere behavior and attitudes will not deliver meaningful settlement of differences and or evalasting peace! Do these men ever look at each other in the eye and say the truth? Shame on both of them or one of them! Someday we will be reading who was insincere, who lied, etc, For now let both men look at themselves in their respective mirrors and change their ways, the people of their respective countries, will forgive them and forge ahead. There people out there who wish Rwanda and Uganda went to war! It is time to take sides; I don’t, what about you?

    President Museveni and President Kagame are very respectable men, even globally in their humble ways! President Museveni’s management of AIDS scourge in Uganda, his support for Rwanda during the genocide against the Tutsi, and the progress Uganda has registered are deeds that deserve global accolades. On the other hand President Kageme’s personal military effort in the fight against genocidal forces, supported by, you know who, was described by the famed Gen.Dallaire as a study case for future small scale intense engements, (I stand to be corrected), to crown all that, Rwanda has made incredible progress in such a short time, that many people are happy to be associated with! There is no doubt that there is prosperity in both countries, whic is pleasure for both peoples’ nations. Both Presidents need to watch out for people who wish they went to War.

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