COMMENT | DR RAYMOND MGENI | One of the biggest challenges developing countries face, is a a poor reading culture among her youth. As there is as a famous phrase, “You can hide wealth in books and people will not be aware of it”.
The failure to read, or share knowledge though books, often leads to communities failing to transfer knowledge from one generation to another generation.
A massive effort needs to start at the grassroots, so that a culcture of reading, sharing, buying books is planted as a new and fresh attitude into today’s youngsters, for they are the leaders of tomorrow.
The current situation in most devoloping countries including most of Africa, shows a huge knowledge gaps still exists. Our youth generation is lagging behind and do not invest time in cultivating a reading culture at a young age.
Social media platforms have influenced many youth who now lack time for separate hours in deep and intensive reading. Many have become addicts to social media small sound and text bytes, and stay long hours online chatting and posting memes with little benefit other than pleasure.
Few use those opportunities to search for eBooks, articles and publications that are necessary to feede their minds if they are to expand and grow in this new digital and knowledge driven world.
Reading books, family environment key
For any change to occur, experts say it is better to start from the grassroots – the home.
Family homes and schools are primary areas to focus and inspire parents and teachers to ignite the candle to youth in cultivating their desires for search of knowledge.
Transformation for any nation depends on how young people are equipped to be game changers, leaders and visionaries for social, economic and political advancement.
In schools, students should be encouraged to engage in book reading clubs. It will be very easy to make others follow the same patterns and this will impact broadly.
Books clubs are true houses of knowledge transfer and store for generational impact. It needs well formatted books clubs that will foster readers to connect what they learn to practical life, do reviews and also to have brainstorming sessions.
Public libraries are another source of writing legacies and volumes of knowledge. It is not enough just to appreciate big buildings without an environment that attracts youth who are supposed to seize the opportunity.
Big cities across many areas in Africa have at least one library that enables people to access useful information, knowledge and sometimes get the opportunity to borrow books.
Reading unlocks wisdom
In the changing world, reading is a skill, a new normal, that helps people to move forward quickly. Reading unlocks wisdom and when is acted upon it gives impact to an individual and the community.
Reading is pure transformational process.
What is written has power to change ones mindset. Changing the mind is changing life. Leaders are readers. What they read gives them to see beyond or further than the rest.
Reading books boosts a fast and changing world. Reading gives path to self-discovery, self-mastery, and self-transformation and inspires curiosity and creativity. All these are important aspects of outcomes of intentional reading.
Reading influences good and deep thinking with imaginative mind. Imagination is what gives new brands, new products and new opportunities. Imagination is a workshop for creating the future. Deep thinking cannot come easy without the roots. Pure roots are deep and intentional reading.
Book challenges
Book challenges and books games is one of many ways to ensure impactful reading in a community or among the youth. Book challenges can be set in social media platforms, television and radios. The winners can be awarded and inspired to read and open more mini books clubs at their residencies.
A reading culture opens path to early enlightenment. When young people are enlightened in their teens, it spurs a spirit of change, inspiration and significant contribution to humanity. The world respects and admires those people who have deep understanding of how the world works.
Most times these are people exposed, truly transformed by great books and intensive reading culture.
Youth always learn and imitate others who are rich in wisdom and also successful. Role models should be identified, and promoted and supported to engage youth.
Many famous people have influenced the young generation through what they post, or what they say in interviews. They can share what they read, share their good book recommendations and support book clubs initiative.
For better future, we need to encourage the youth to strive to desire to grow their knowledge through reading and books.
Young people are the future leaders. Equipping them to appreciate a reading culture when they are young will benefit communities in all spheres of life.
Youth are still energetic and have zeal for change. Lets inspire them and cultivate the reading culture across Africa and the globe.
Dr. Raymond N Mgeni | +255 676 559 211 | raymondpoet@yahoo.com | Tanzanian social critic and writer