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Rwanda ED

rwanda ed news

21 graduate from Mama Rwanda initiative

Group supports vulnerable single mothers Emerance Mukasindambiwe, 30, is now a happy woman. For the last 10 months, she and a group of other 20 single mothers have been undergoing intensive training in sewing and tailoring at the Kacyiru-based Irembo Foundation project called ‘Mama Rwanda’. Their aim is to learn …

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Rwanda to pilot India innovations

Rwanda is to host an India Innovation Growth Programme for the East African region, according to an agreement signed between the two countries on Feb. 20 in Kigali. Under the agreement, the India-Rwanda Innovation Growth Program is being launched to enable India expand ties in science, technology and innovation between …

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RWANDA: Ngonbwa finally convicted for genocide

U.S court bases on Gacaca court findings in Rwanda to end long-running court saga A federal court in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA, has sentenced and concluded that a Rwandan refugee living in Cedar Rapids, “actively participated in the Rwandan genocide.” Court officials say Gervais Ngombwa, 56, was a leader of …

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Rwanda to reject low quality imports

President Kagame makes pledge during visit to SEZ President Kagame on Jan.07 toured the Special Economic Zone where he visited four factories manufacturing different products within the ‘Made in Rwanda’ framework. While addressing business people with operations within the Special Economic Zone at the conclusion of the tour, President Kagame …

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RWANDA: Swelling feet disease

Podoconiosis: A neglected tropical disease causing havoc in Rwanda rural areas A group of 25 people sit, their eyes downcast, on the verdant freshly mowed field at a churchyard in Musanze town. The sky above is thick with dark clouds, promising rains. It’s a perfect morning to be in their …

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