Thursday , March 13 2025

S.Africa circumcision ritual: a dangerous route to manhood

– ‘Recognised as a man’ –

In another grass-thatched hut, 200 metres away, sitting on a reed mat, is 20-year-old Fezikhaya Tselane, who has just returned from his circumcision rites in the remote bush.

As he nurses the sore wound, his bush doctor sits close by, surrounded by dirty pots, plates and empty beer bottles strewn over the floor.

“I have been waiting for this day. All my brothers have gone through this process,” Tselane told AFP, entirely covered in white mud, which is meant to ward off evil spirits as well as preserve body warmth.

“In our Xhosa culture, if you don’t go through traditional circumcision you are not recognised as a man.

“Now I can marry, have my own house and kids and not depend on my parents.”

Mxolisi Dimaza, chairman of the Eastern Cape provincial health committee, said authorities were determined to curb injuries and deaths in the initiation schools.

“This year a considerable amount of resources were made available so that we do not experience many more deaths,” he told AFP after his recent field visit to several initiation sites.

“However, there are still problem areas where we have illegal initiation schools. These are where the school itself is not registered and the initiates are often below 18 years old.”

The province has hired 35 4×4 vehicles to patrol initiation practices in a region of steep hills, dirt roads and rough tracks.

It has also passed a law setting out a minimum age of 18, and establishing a registry of accredited bush doctors and schools. From the age of 16, boys can be circumcised with their parents’ permission.


– Medical risks –

Dimaza appealed for any initiates suffering from infections or ill-health to go immediately to hospital, adding that parents should not feel social pressure for their children to have traditional circumcisions.

“It is our culture — but if the parents want their child to have it medically, we don’t object,” he said.

The tradition has become tainted in recent years by commercialisation, with some bush doctors charging large amounts of money, while some initiates have been found to be as young as 13.

Initiation ceremonies have also spread to other provinces such as KwaZulu Natal and Mpumalanga, boosted in part by UN-backed information that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually-acquired HIV infection by 60 percent.

For one bush doctor, proper care should mean that initiates are able to experience the ritual in a safe and deeply spiritual manner.

“You have to be careful and take good care, otherwise the wound gets sceptic,” said Lukholo Marhenene, 21, who has been nursing initiates for three years.

“You must change the leaves often and keep the wound clean and dry.

“During the month I will be attending to him, he stays in the hut. Only his father and other boys who have already gone through initiation are allowed to visit.

“After two weeks, we slaughter a goat to appease the spirits.”

One comment

  1. 453 males *died* of circumcision in the Eastern Cape Province in a seven year period, and there were also 214 penile amputations. Google “ulwaluko” for gruesome pictures of the results.

    The sooner this outdated tradition dies out, the better. No-one becomes a man by having parts of their manhood cut off anyway.

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