Cabinet approves reopening of all schools except nurseries
Entebbe, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Primary 6, Senior 3 and Senior 5 students will be the first allowed back when schools re-open.
Cabinet has approved a recommendation for the reopening of schools to non-candidate learners. The schools were closed in March 2020 as a measure to control the spread of coronavirus disease.
Although no dates have been announced for the official reopening, the cabinet said in a statement this morning that schools will now be allowed to reopen in a staggered manner that will ensure compliance with COVID-19 standard Operating Procedures.
The Ministers resolved that in order to complete the academic year and ensure progression, all semi candidate classes, which include Primary Six, Senior three and senior five should report back to school in the short term and study with the candidate classes. Promotion to the next class will be based on attendance and continuous assessment of classwork and assignments.

All candidate classes returned to school in September last year in preparation for final examinations which will be completed on March 31, for the primary cycle, and April 6, for Uganda Certificate of Education.
“Given that PLE will be completed on March 31, 2021, and UCE on April 6, there will be more space in schools in schools when candidates leave to enable the other classes to report back and study, to complement homeschooling,” the statement reads.
However, Pre-Primary schools will remain closed because the learners in this category cannot observe SOPs and are prone to respiratory infections. It added that because many of the pre-primary institutions are day-based, there is a lot of interfaces between learners, teachers and parents, which could increase the risk of infections.
But higher institutions have been given a task to open in the short term. The Technical Vocational Education and Training Institutions, National Teachers Colleges’ and Primary Teachers Colleges are expected to open in the short term because many of them have the infrastructure capacity for the number of students enrolled, to observe the social distancing requirement. The ministers said that all students in these tertiary institutions should be allowed to report back with the final year students.
Education institutions have now been advised to emphasize preventive actions for learners and staff on a daily basis. This, the Ministers say, should include training of staffs to enable them to transfer knowledge to learners and other workers in education institutions. All learners will be required to wear face masks.
At the same time, the Ministry of health will constitute a team of Doctors to visit schools affected by COVID-19 in support of schools and the district task force.
When will they open it
Pre-candidates students to report to school most likely after April. Tertially institutes to be opened on yet to be determined date but most likely in April or even May after the swearing in of our eternal leader.
Cabinet/Our dear president has made a non-decision that maintains the status-quo of not opening schools while appearing to have allowed to schools to resume.
Reopening of all education institutions would suggest that Covid-19 is no longer threat.
But Covid-19 pandemic -for M7- is gift that keeps on giving & has offered him an opportunity to violate the constitutional rights that would have allowed those dissatisfied with Gen. Tibuhaburwa to mobilize & possibly end his never-ending rule given that Public order Management act was defanged with last year’s court ruling of its unconstitutionality & the using army for to retain control would be a public relations disaster
Besides pushing school reopening to after April raises questions such as what will have changed between now & then. The schools can’t expand their capacity to allow social distancing in two months. And Uganda is very unlikely to have received the Covid-19 vaccine or even vaccinated all the school going children then.
There’s a big risk of a political uprising in & around Greater Kampala in the next few months. Legal means are needed to control the agitated population & Covid-19 & the related public health regulations offer that & be damned the education of the country’s children & their future.
Educated children, functioning economy are useless when one has lost the presidency is the reasoning of our rulers. Therefore concerned parents holding countrywide peaceful demonstrations to protest at the selfish destruction of their children’s future maybe the only solution.
When will they open the schools?
Non finalist should be allowed to join school before the end of February cause per now no time left for the to catch-up with the syllabuses , but we kindly beg let schools re open Because even the pandemic per now isn’t a threat.🙏🏾
We want to bambushi back to school soon coz we’re almost
become prostitutes at home , some are pregnant while others practice marriage
dear David who sent u in prostitution ,your parents, no one force u .u liked to do it.so stop blaming the gov’t okay.
It’s a good idea let us wait for the date to be announced.
nice comment my dear, nice words
I think there is no more schooling for the non candidates this year
Let it be in light, if students are to report back to school, they announce it!!!!!
How will they address payments issues
finally we shall know 2day ,,,,,,the long awaited day
Thanx to the cabinet for that timely fundermental descision.
The queues that we observed during elections, campaign and rallies of candidates, funerals, numbers in Kampala, arcades, regular markets, as well as transport means are a threat to children if it was covid 19 effect. There fore in my opinion, the government would not hesitate to open schools even though we agitate for good health. A healthy body must have a healthy mind and healthy minds are achieved through education.
Better next year coz I haven’t seen my son
Let the economy be fully opened, we love to see ministry of education and sports open up her activities fully
Atleast we should also be given the opportuunity to attain our skills for a better living coz all those guys completed theirs there4 they sh’d announce the date very first be4 the month ends
When will the pre candidate classes sit for their final exams?
I would not allow at all
Not bad but children a growing seriously many have become mothers and fathers
they wanted to become fathers and mother, they never forced them my dear.
How many infants has covid killed since the pandemic started? How many children mingle with the adults in churches, market places, Buses urban centers on a daily basis?
To me all those scientists and technocrats blocking school re-opening dont have any school going children and they are very busy making money out of this pandemic for their selfies gains. Non of them truely loves the future of our children worse still the first vaccine is expected to arrive in uganda in may 2021. let the government open schools and encourage our ideology of foodiocuetical thearapy of fruits in all schools and we abandon washing of hands and wearing of masks since the govement promised to distribute masks to all ugandans but failed. After all corona has only killed not more than 400 ugandans since march last year how many babies and adults die of malaria on adaily basis? which of this diseases deserves to uganda to be a lockdown?
thanks for saving us from house chows
For sure let them just open schools
what if they open ,covid-19 gets u whom should u blame for..
Is this real because we’re now hommie…….Nd ion cx we’re trd about hommie😡😡👿💀👺☠️
We want the truth,, nothing but the truth we a tired God knows
When will now non candidats be reopen now.
Your right Emmanuel. For real our future has been burried by that so called M7 mbu president. They are just thinking of their stomachs, many girls have got pregnant because ov staying home for a full year without going to school
kern pliz stop blaming m7.he never sent them to get pregnant.no one forced them. girls attract men eat there money. so you can’t pay ,eat but u know the price u will pay .foolish gils.
for sure shools have to be opened for a bright futue and we are exhusted of staying home because our shool memory will soon fad away
this is silly
wen r pre primary schls opening
u want ur sisters and brothers to dies coz u want schls to be opened. what is the use now ..
It’s fine by let the government know that we more and more school drop outs.
It’s fine but let the government know that we shall have more and more school drop outs.
Schools must open