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Seven commanders face American sanctions

Cozying up with Bobi Wine

At the time The Independent wrote the following:  The Kayihura sanctions are a warning shot from the superpower. In the lead up to the 2021 elections in Uganda, the Americans have been schmoozing with leaders of the opposition to Museveni’s 33-year reign, especially the youthful leader of the People Power movement, Kyadongo East MP Robert Sentamu Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine; the music superstar turned red-bereted politician.

America’s cozying up with the Museveni opposition is against a strategic disagreement in the American capital, Washington, between President Trump’s Africa defence strategists and the diplomats in the State Department.

The diplomats favour Museveni being kicked out while the defense team swears by his strategic role in maintaining peace in Uganda, South Sudan, Burundi, Somalia, and DR Congo. Without Museveni, the American defense strategists believe, the Great Lakes could go up in flames and require their intervention.

For now, the forces for and against Museveni in Washington appear fairly balanced. But a lot is riding on how the 2021 general elections in Uganda pans out. In the last election of 2016, Kayihura unleashed the security forces against the opposition and on Election Day placed Museveni’s main challenger Kizza Besigye under house arrest. Kayihura squashed threats or attempts at protests against the election results with brutal force.

That job in 2021 will fall on Martins Okoth Ochola and his deputy Sabiiti Muzeyi. Or as we have seen recently, the head of the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, Brig. Abel Kandiho or the head of the Internal Security Organisation (ISO), retired Col. Kaka Bagyenda, might play major roles.

This duo is seen as very hardline and has been accused of running detainee torture chambers Kayihura-style in so-called `safe houses’. In this they have the tacit support of the Minister for Security and decorated 1986 bush war veteran Gen. Elly Tumwine. The sanctions against Kayihura, according to most commentators, could be the American way of telling this group, `we are watching you’ and your wives and children.

In addition to the public designation of Kale Kayihura, the Department  also publicly designated his spouse, Angela Umurisa Gabuka, his daughter, Tesi Uwibambe, and his son, Kale Rudahigwa in connection to the alleged “significant corruption or a gross violation of human rights”. It is not clear what form the sanctions, in any on the seven listed commanders will take and whether they will rope in relatives.

Engel also ask that the State Department commence a review of all non-humanitarian assistance to Uganda; commit to providing robust support to human rights defenders, and independent journalists and to building the capacity of civil society organisations; and coordinate with likeminded allies to issue a joint condemnation of violent repression.

Significantly, he requested Pompeo to provide the Committee on Foreign Affairs with the following information in writing no later than January 9, 2021:

  • An overview of the U.S. government’s engagement with the Government of Uganda, opposition political parties, and civil society organizations with respect to the 2021 elections, and how such engagement differs from previous elections;
  • An assessment of the impact that several years of violent repression and impunity for gross human rights abuses has had on the Ugandan political environment;
  • A detailed list of all United States security assistance and law enforcement capacity building efforts with Ugandan security forces since FY15;
  • An accounting, in classified form if necessary, of Uganda’s compliance with end-use monitoring requirements and cooperation with Leahy vetting requirements.
  • An assessment of the risks to U.S. interests in East and Central Africa of continuing to work by, with, and through an increasingly authoritarian partner who has exhibited no indications of a succession plan, and a plan to mitigate said risks over the next five years; and
  • A plan to intensify the U.S. response to human rights abuses beyond rhetorical  condemnations and work with the Government of Uganda and local non-governmental organizations to secure accountability for citizens who have been subjected to arbitrary arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings.

“My desire to see a better human rights record in Uganda is firmly rooted in the country’s own constitution and legal code, which prevent torture and enshrine the right to freely assemble and express viewpoints that may not be in accordance with those of President Museveni,” Engels says.

He notes that considering Uganda’s importance to U.S. security interests in East and Central Africa, it is imperative that the United States and its international partners “act to prevent further destabilisation in Uganda and facilitate the opening of civic and political space for which Ugandan citizens are mobilising”.


  1. for publishing this

  2. I applaud the USA for doing this. They should not only shutdown these guys and slap sanctions on them, their families, children, relatives and anyone connected to their circle for the next 40 years. They should not have access to USA, Europe, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, NZ for education, medical treatment or anything else. That is the only way to pay back for the pain and suffering they have caused to Ugandans who were abused by them for 35 years. Moreover these sanctions should be extended to Museveni, his family and all relatives including enablers like Ofwono Opondo, and regime apologists like my friend Andrew Mwenda.

    • They are all idiot

    • That is laughable. Does the outgoing Trump administration have power over Europe, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan or New Zealand? And if you are applauding the Trump administration, have you heard anything about Black Lives Matter? In USA the Blacks would consider you a traitor to the Black cause. You are the type who bootlicks the imperialists.

  3. This can only bite if these people were doing business in USA. Pompeo-Trump administration is now a lame duck. Trump should first concede that he has lost an election. He’s already disgraced.

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