Friday , March 14 2025

SGS confirms no deadline, but work continues

SGS under the guidance of Ministry of Works and Transport has revealed that there is no deadline for the mandatory motor vehicle inspection services.

“Motorists are advised to bring their vehicles for inspection at the nearest inspection station to avoid any future inconveniences,” SGS said in a statement on Friday.

State Minister of Works and Transport Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala also issued a statement saying he expects vehicle inspection to continue. “Parliament did not resolve to suspend the provision of periodic and mandatory motor vehicle inspection services. I still expect vehicle owners to comply and be issued a Certificate of Fitness,” he said. (see full statement bottom)

This a day after Speaker of Par­lia­men­t Rebecca Kadaga demanded a halt to deadlines for  motor vehicle owners and operators until the  phys­i­cal in­fra­struc­ture com­mit­tee concludes an in­ves­ti­ga­tion into a con­tract awarded to Swiss com­pany SGS that is cur­rently un­der­tak­ing the “manda­tory” ve­hi­cle in­spec­tion.

Works Minister Monica Azuba had reassured Parliament that there were no immediate plans to ban those who have not had their vehicles inspected.


So­ci­ete Gen­erale De Sur­veil­lance (SGS) signed a con­tract with gov­ern­ment in 2015 to carry out ve­hi­cles inspection to root out ve­hi­cles in poor me­chan­i­cal con­di­tion  in a bid to re­duce ac­ci­dents.

The nation wide exercise  currently has four stations that are fully operational in Nabbingo, Namulanda, Kawanda and Namboole.

Four stations are under construction in Namanve, Mbale, Gulu and Mbarara.  Additionally, mobile units will cater to areas of the country with sparse vehicle population.

Uganda State Minister’s Statement on Vehicle Inspection by The Independent Magazine on Scribd

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