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health news

Fighting HIV/AIDS

Uganda’s tough choice between prevention and treatment Kampala, Uganda | FLAVIA NASSAKA | Uganda will in 2019 launch two researches aimed at preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. The first, dubbed ‘Deliver’,will be based on ring laced with the HIV drug Dapivirinebeing placed in the vagina and an oral drugTruvadataken daily …

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Death toll tops 200 in DR Congo Ebola outbreak

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | The death toll from an Ebola outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has risen to more than 200, the health ministry said on Saturday. The ministry said it had recorded 201 deaths from the virus and that 291 cases have been confirmed since …

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Ebola prevention measures ‘positive impact’ in DR Congo

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | New measures taken to combat an Ebola outbreak in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have had a “positive impact”, but the virus remains dangerous and unpredictable, the World Health Organization and United Nations said Thursday. Since the outbreak began in August, 191 people …

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Ebola vaccination kicks off in Ntoroko district

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Vaccination against the Ebola virus has kicked off in Ntoroko district. The vaccination which started on Wednesday is being conducted at Rwanyara, Musandama, Ntoroko Health Centre IIIs, Bweramule Health Center II and Karugutu Health Center IV. The vaccination is a response to the Ebola outbreak …

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Sickness and death

Doctors ‘need to start early conversation with patients about dying’ Kampala, Uganda | AGENCIES | Doctors need to get better at having difficult conversations with dying patients and not just in their final days, according to a report from the Royal College of Physicians. It says doctors should talk to people …

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Ebola vaccination to start in Ntoroko district

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Vaccination of medical and frontline workers against Ebola is scheduled to start Wednesday in Ntoroko district, the Health Ministry has revealed. Ntoroko is one of the high five risk districts where vaccination will take place. The others are Bundibugyo, Hoima, Kasese and Kisoro districts. The …

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Latest on brain cancer treatment

Why killing the fastest growing cells may not be the only treatment Kampala, Uganda | FLORIAN SIEBZEHNRUBL | Brain cancers are fortunately rare tumours in adults. Nevertheless, the most common type of brain cancer, glioblastoma, is incurable and almost always lethal. Because of the lack of effective therapies, the average survival …

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