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health news

US approves sales of lab-grown meat to consumers

Cultured meat, also known as cultivated, cell-based or lab-grown protein, is made by putting stem cells from an animal in a vessel called a cultivator, and feed them the right blend of nutrients to multiply and grow. Los Angeles, US | Xinhua | U.S. regulators have approved the sales of …

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Multi drug resistant TB

Health experts warn on the use of herbs for treatment Kampala, Uganda | PATRICIA AKANKWATSA | Health experts have warned against the use of herbal medicines in treating Tuberculosis (TB) which they say has contributed to the rise of Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) cases in the country. While speaking at a media …

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WHO publishes new report on access to morphine

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new report on access to morphine for medical use. The report describes how the global distribution of morphine, as a vital pain medicine, is unequal and does not fulfill the medical need. The report, titled “Left Behind …

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Buliisa records 417 teenage pregnancies in only 3 months

Buliisa, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Health experts in Buliisa have raised concerns about the increasing cases of teenage pregnancies. Statistics at the district health department indicate that the district recorded 417 cases of teenage pregnancies between January and March this year. Dr. Alex Afeti, the Buliisa District Health officer-DHO says …

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Foetal alcohol syndrome

When drinking mother harms unborn child Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Does your child have trouble getting along with other children, school work, or staying focused on any single task? Do they have poor coordination or balance, intellectual disability, learning disorders and delayed development, poor memory, trouble with attention and …

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Govt delay on free sunscreen promise irks Albinism Association

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The association of persons living with Albinism is considering local manufacturing of anti-sun creams following the government’s delay to respond to their appeal for free supplies. Olive Namutebi, the Executive Director of the Uganda Albinism Umbrella, says their protracted appeal to the government to …

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