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UK appoints ‘minister for loneliness’

London, United Kingdom | AFP | Britain appointed a “minister for loneliness” on Wednesday to tackle what Prime Minister Theresa May described as “the sad reality of modern life” affecting millions of people. Tracey Crouch, a junior minister for sport and civil society, will take on the role as part …

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Fake medicines flourish in Africa despite killing thousands

Abidjan, Ivory Coast | AFP | There’s nothing covert about Roxy — a huge market in Abidjan selling counterfeit medicine, the scourge of Africa and the cause of around 100,000 deaths annually on the world’s poorest continent. Located in the bustling Adjame quarter of Ivory Coast’s main city and commercial hub, …

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Suppressing a sneeze can be dangerous, doctors warn

Paris, France | AFP | Stifling a sneeze can rupture your throat, burst an ear drum, or pop a blood vessel in your brain, researchers warned Tuesday. Many people — when they feel a sneeze coming on — block all the exits, essentially swallowing the sneeze’s explosive force. Just how dangerous …

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HIV self-testing improves uptake

Up to 100% of women  given a self-testing kit took the test Kampala, Uganda | AGENCIES | Until recently, there was virtually no evidence on the acceptability and feasibility of HIV self-testing, but results of new studies now suggest that self-testing has potential in improving the uptake of testing – at …

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WHO says ‘high’ cholera risk in DR Congo capital

Kinshasa, DR Congo | AFP | The World Health Organization Monday said there was a high risk of a cholera epidemic after flooding in Kinshasa, the teeming and ramshackle capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. “In a big city like Kinshasa, which has between 10 and 12 million inhabitants, …

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Tanzania to double TB-sniffing giant rats

Kampala, Uganda | AGENCIES | The use of giant rats to sniff out tuberculosis (TB) in Tanzania is set to nearly double by the end of the year due to successful detection rates, a charity who trains them is quoted in a Reuters Africa report as saying. African Giant Pouched Rats, …

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`Incredible’ GMO banana with edible skin

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Fruit farmers in Okayama, Japan, have managed to make peeling a banana optional by developing a special variety with edible skin. The peel of their “Mongee Banana” is not particularly tasty, but it is considerably thinner and far less bitter than that of regular …

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Drinking `raw water” is new craze

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Despite being a hub for technological advancement, California’s bay area is also notorious for absurd anti-science health trends such as a new and ridiculous trend – “raw water”. That’s actually unfiltered, untreated, raw spring water, which, even when from the seemingly cleanest of sources, …

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